My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5074 5074 This is obviously an afterthought.

Thinking that the Xuangang Sect's guardian spirit beast had been "trained" to be so obedient by Gu Fenghua's demon pet, all the elders, deacons, guests and ministers of the Setting Sun Sect present felt inexplicably sad, inexplicably angry, and their minds were even in confusion.

"So, Gu Fenghua's demon pet is probably extraordinary." After a while, an elder sighed.

Of course, this is nonsense. If it was just an ordinary monster, it would have been eaten up by the two-winged spin turtle of Xuan Gang Sect. How could it become so obedient?

They didn't know that not long ago, a demonic beast that claimed to have the blood of the dragon actually appeared in front of the two-winged spin turtle, spitting bubbles and being eaten to the dregs.

"It seems to be an ancient beast." The second elder said with a solemn expression. After all, the time was still short, and some information was not detailed enough, but what he had at hand already made him feel very heavy.

Strange beasts from ancient times! After hearing the second elder's words, everyone else fell silent and felt equally heavy.

"It seems that we should let go of our grievances with Xuangang Sect first." One of the worshipers said thoughtfully.

The disciples of the sect suffered heavy casualties, and the sect leader was seriously injured. The Xuangang Sect alone had already put them under great pressure. Plus this Gu Fenghua, her several powerful companions, and Yun He The Chamber of Commerce and several major holy sects are even more stressed.

"Not only do we have to put aside our grievances with the Xuan Gang Sect, but we'd better send someone to apologize to Gu Fenghua. We can no longer interfere with her grievances with the Zhan Xin Sect." An elder also said cautiously.

"Yes, we are not related to the Zhanxin Sect, so why should we offend such a powerful enemy for them."

"This person has such strength at such a young age and has such a demon pet. If we cannot repair the relationship with him as soon as possible, he will definitely become a trouble in the future." Others also agreed.

Although Beiyuan City is its own line, and even the envoys never interfere, it is not appropriate to make enemies everywhere, let alone such a young and powerful man with an unlimited future.

"In my opinion, I shouldn't have agreed to join forces with the Zhan Xin Sect before. Instead of helping, I provoked such an opponent out of thin air."

"Yes, if the sect leader hadn't been seriously injured at the hands of Gu Fenghua and others, our situation might not have become so bad." Someone else said angrily.

This was obviously an afterthought. When the Zhanxin Sect had just joined forces with the Setting Sun Sect, they all regarded it as a strong support and showed their kindness to Wen Longyuan and others in every possible way.

"Since everyone says so, when the sect leader wakes up, I will give him some advice," the second elder said. At this time, he actually had the idea of ​​calling it quits, but he couldn't decide what to do, so he just waited for others to speak first.

"Then it's hard work for the second elder." Seeing that the second elder didn't object, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

The first elder, the seventh elder, and the young sect leader died in battle. In today's Setting Sun Sect, apart from the sect leader, the second elder has the highest authority and the highest reputation. As long as he is willing to speak out and persuade, the sect leader will not insist on his own way.

"It's all for the sect's grand plan. It's not hard work." The second elder waved his hand and said awkwardly, "However, today we went to Xuan Gang Sect with great fanfare and made it clear that we wanted to destroy other people's sects and sects. Now And it’s probably not that easy to make peace. By the way, there is Gu Fenghua, who originally had no grudges, but now it’s our fault that the Setting Sun Sect is in trouble. How to make peace with him is also a problem.”

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