My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5079 5079 What kind of evil moth are you doing again?

Sure enough, the world is in a turbulent state. I think back then, when my father was still alive, who in the Zhanxin Sect would not follow his lead? But now that the talent is dead, these elders and deacons of the sect are timid even to avenge him, and they can't even think about it. Thinking about everything his father has done for Zhan Xin Sect over the years, if his old man is alive in heaven, how would he feel when seeing such a scene.

However, grief and indignation turned into grief and indignation, and Wen Longyuan also knew very well that what Wen Longan and others said were true: even the Cangyang Sect was unable to do anything to Gu Fenghua, and even the sect leader Qu Dangyuan seriously injured his hand. They would not talk about revenge now, if not Leave as soon as possible. When the Setting Sun Sect is destroyed, it may be a question of whether they can escape intact.

"In that case, then we will..." Wen Longyuan said weakly, crying secretly in his heart: Father, please forgive me for being incompetent and unable to avenge you. This revenge will only be avenged in the next life!

"It seems that I came at the right time." At this moment, Qu Danyuan pushed the door in and said calmly.

"Master Qu." Wen Longyuan's words were interrupted, he stood up and saluted listlessly.

"Sect Leader Wen, I heard that you are preparing to leave Beiyuan City?" Qu Dangyuan asked straight to the point.

"Something big happened in the Zhanxin Sect, and we are preparing to say goodbye to Sect Leader Qu." Wen Longyuan's face turned slightly red, and he made up an excuse at random to explain.

Putting aside the grievances between the Can Yang Sect and the Xuangang Sect, they only said that they had enmity with Gu Fenghua because they were invited by him to stand up for the Zhan Xin Sect. Now that Qu Dangyuan was seriously injured at the hands of Gu Fenghua, the Can Yang Sect The situation was even more critical, but Zhan Xin Sect wanted to stay away from the matter. No matter how they said it, they were suspected of treachery by running away from the battle. Wen Longyuan could not help but feel guilty.

"If you want to leave, I won't force you to stay. However, I said a few days ago that I would like to ask Sect Master Wen and the elders and deacons to help me with something. I believe Sect Master Wen has not forgotten it, right?" Qu Dangyuan certainly knew about him. I just found a reason to deal with it and didn't expose it, but said it politely.

"Please rest assured, Master Qu. As long as we can do it, we will do our best." Seeing that he did not blame himself, Wen Longyuan felt even more guilty, and he cheered up and said loudly.

"Thank you very much. Sir, please come with me." Qu Dangyuan did not show any politeness. He cupped his hands and thanked him, then turned and walked out.

Although he wasn't quite sure what Qu Dangyuan needed help with, but having said that, Wen Longyuan certainly didn't hesitate and quickly followed him.

Although the other elders and deacons of the Zhanxin Sect wanted to leave Beiyuan City immediately, they also felt guilty towards the Setting Sun Sect and did not want to bear the infamy of treachery for deserting before the battle, so they did not stop them and followed Wen Longyuan.

In the crowd, Wen Long'an looked uneasy: He was about to leave, so what kind of devil did this old man Qu do? He wouldn't get into trouble again. No, after you finish this favor, no matter what, you must persuade the sect leader to leave immediately. This Setting Sun Sect must not stay any longer.

Soon, a group of people came to a bamboo forest deep in the Setting Sun Sect. They meandered along the deep path, and a stone house appeared in front of them.

This stone house is about fifteen or six feet wide, about seven feet deep, and more than three feet high. Although it is a bit simple in shape, it gives people a sense of grandeur.

"Sir Sect Master, this is..." The second elder of the Setting Sun Sect looked at Qu Dangyuan in confusion.

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