My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5080 There is actually a dragon bone placed in 5080!

This bamboo forest has been there since ancient times. It is said that it was used by the founder of the sect to cultivate his mind and body and understand the way of heaven and earth. Sometimes when they encountered a bottleneck in their cultivation, they would come here for a walk. However, after walking there many times, this stone house never came out. Saw it.

"I built this recently with my own hands and didn't let outsiders know." Qu Dangyuan explained.

Everyone was even more confused, wondering what his purpose was in building such a stone house in the bamboo forest.

Just when everyone was secretly curious, Qu Dangyuan had opened the ban on the stone house, opened the door, and followed him into the house. When they saw the situation, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

keel! In the middle of the stone house, there is a dragon bone!

This dragon bone is seven to eight feet long and about two feet tall. Although the flesh and blood of the whole body has long been turned into dust, the skeleton is intact and still maintains the posture of life. The dragon's claws are waving and the dragon's head is held high, as if it is roaring to the sky. , fully demonstrating the majesty and domineering power that the ancient dragon should have.

The most shocking thing was that they felt a majestic and agitated aura from this dragon's body. It was so mysterious and so vast that people couldn't help but have the urge to worship.

The power of the divine dragon, this is the power of the ancient divine dragon!

Legend has it that after the death of some ancient mythical beasts, due to chance, the power of the mythical beasts does not disappear, but wanders between heaven and earth. Among them, the power of the mythical beasts left behind after the death of the dragon and phoenix clan is the most powerful.

Of course, everyone present had heard of this legend, and even knew that it was not just a legend, but a fact. According to the records in the sect's secret book, the power of divine beasts does exist in this world. However, even with their status, they have never felt the power of this ancient beast.

And this is not the power of ordinary divine beasts, but the power of ancient dragons!

Seeing the complete divine dragon skeleton and feeling the majestic power of the divine beast, everyone was trembling with excitement.

"Lord Sect Leader, could it be that you want to use the power of this divine dragon to help protect the sect's spiritual beast Fengyun transform into a dragon?" The second elder was the first to react and asked, trying to suppress his excitement.

I was originally guessing whether the sect leader had found some way to help the cloud-swallowing dragon python transform into a real dragon, but the giant dragon skeleton and the power of the divine dragon appeared in front of me. If you still can't guess what's going on, it's better to just die.

"Yes, my sect protects the sect's spirit beast originally with dragon blood. If it were in ancient times, it would have already transformed into a dragon. The reason why it failed is just because the current Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth's spiritual energy is not enough. With this ancient I think I am at least 70% sure of the power of the divine dragon to help it transform into a dragon." Qu Dangyuan nodded and said proudly.

After hearing his words, everyone in the Setting Sun Sect became even more excited.

At this time, they finally knew why the sect leader still refused to give up and make peace with Xuan Gang Sect and Gu Fenghua, and they also knew where his arrogance came from.

Once the guardian spirit beast transforms into a dragon, what qualifications does the Xuangang Sect have to compete with the Setting Sun Sect? After all, Beiyuan City is still the domain of their Setting Sun Sect. Let alone Beiyuan City, looking at Wuji Holy Heaven, except for the three holy kings, who else can compete with their Setting Sun Sect?

"Then, what will happen if it fails?" The second elder was of course equally excited, but he still kept some sense and asked worriedly.

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