My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5081 5081 Never dreamed of it

"If the power of other divine beasts fails, our sect-protecting spirit beast may be in trouble, but this is the power of the divine dragon, and it has the same bloodline as the cloud-swallowing dragon python, so even if it fails, it will not be a big deal. One thing You still don’t know that the reason why our sect-protecting spirit beast has been promoted to the tenth level is because of the power of this divine dragon." Qu Dangyuan said confidently.

As early as when he first became the young master of the Setting Sun Sect, he had already begun to think about how to help the guardian sect's spiritual beasts improve their strength, and he spent most of his life trying to find the power of the divine beasts. Fortunately, all this hard work was not in vain. Just half a year ago, he finally found this dragon bone and helped the Cloud Swallowing Dragon Python to increase its strength to the peak of the tenth level. It was only one step away from transforming into a dragon.

It turns out that the reason why the guardian spirit beast was able to advance to the tenth level was because of this dragon tool! Everyone present was amazed again.

"In that case, why don't you just transform into a dragon? Is there anything wrong with it?" The second elder pondered for a moment, then frowned and asked.

According to the records of the sect's secret book, in ancient times, if the cloud-devouring dragon python could advance to the tenth level of monster beast, it would be easiest to ascend to the sky and transform into a dragon in one step with the help of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that surged in from the clouds at the time of promotion. If there was nothing wrong with it, the sect leader would never miss such a good opportunity.

"There is indeed something wrong. Although with the power of this divine dragon, it is not a big problem for our guardian spirit beast to transform into a dragon. However, over the past tens of thousands of years, the spiritual energy of Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth has become increasingly thinner, and its cultivation has been restricted. The soul is quite lacking, I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand the pain of transformation, and if you are not careful, the soul may be broken and the soul will fly away." Qu Dangyuan nodded and said.

After hearing this, everyone in the Setting Sun Sect immediately calmed down. If the cloud-swallowing dragon python transforms into a dragon form, it will be tantamount to being reborn. The entire body and bones will undergo complete changes. The pain is many times more painful than the shedding of snakes. If the soul is not strong enough, the inevitable result is that the soul will be scattered. .

"Sect Master Qu, if you want us to help, could it be that you want us to use the soul-guarding technique with a fighting heart to help your sect's guardian spirit beast keep its soul when it transforms into a dragon!" Wen Longyuan's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask.

The art of guarding the soul of Zhanxin is the core training method of Zhanxin Sect. In a sense, it can even be said to be the foundation of Zhanxin Sect.

Compared with other sects, the sword skills and techniques of the Zhanxin Sect are more powerful, but the killing intent is too strong. After practicing for a long time, it will inevitably affect the state of mind, and may even breed inner demons, making it easier to become possessed when promoted. It is precisely by relying on this technique of war heart and soul guarding that the strong men of the war heart sect in the past generations can continuously improve their cultivation and not be affected by the inner demons.

It can be said that the Zhanxin Sect's current strength and ability to surpass many sects are all due to the Zhanxin Soul Guarding Technique!

"Not bad." Qu Dangyuan nodded and said. Even this keel has been displayed in front of Wen Longyuan and others, so of course there is no need for him to be secretive anymore.

"Please rest assured, Master Qu, we will do our best to help your sect's guardian spirit beast ascend to the sky and transform into a dragon!" Wen Longyuan regained his energy instantly and said with excitement.

Never in his dreams did he imagine that Qu Dangyuan would find such a dragon bone. With the power of the ancient divine dragon and the great help of his Zhan Xin Sect, the cloud-swallowing dragon python will be able to successfully transform into a dragon. When the time comes, the Xuangang Sect will surely perish. Without the protection of the Xuangang Sect, Gu Fenghua will certainly die as well.

Fortunately, I am not in a hurry to leave Beiyuan City. Fortunately, I can still avenge my father after all!

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