My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5082 5082 The legendary wind and cloud transform into a dragon

Behind him, Wen Longan had a complicated expression. Although judging from the current situation, it is a foregone conclusion that the sect-protecting spiritual beast of the Setting Sun Sect will transform into a dragon, and the destruction of the Xuangang Sect is inevitable. Of course, Gu Fenghua will not escape the disaster, but why, his uneasy premonition is still so strong ?

Wen Longan wanted to persuade him, but in front of Qu Dangyuan and others, he really couldn't speak, so he could only watch him make handprints one after another.

The runes flickered, and inside the stone house, little crystal lights were reflected, like raindrops falling in the light. The gray keel soaked into it, as if the dust on the surface had been washed away by the rain, and it turned out to be as white as jade, vaguely, and somewhat crystal clear.

Faint red lines flowed through the dragon's bones like blood, and the power of the divine beast became more solid and more surging.

Although the complete divine dragon skeleton remained motionless, everyone had the illusion that this ancient divine dragon had come to life again, traveling around the nine heavens, changing the clouds and rain! The pressure of the ancient divine dragon was like invisible mountains pressing down on them, making them almost breathless.

"Roar..." Suddenly, the cloud-swallowing dragon python appeared in front of him, opened its big mouth and spit out a mouthful of demonic power.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the power of the demon spirit turned into clouds and mist, forming a barrier that enveloped it and the dragon bone.

Qu Dangyuan continued to make hand seals, and the runes flickered in the clouds. A shocking scene happened: the dragon bone, which had long since lost its vitality, turned its head and let out a silent dragon roar. Within the dragon bones, blood-like red threads also spurted out from the mouth, covering the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python.

The clouds and mist were shrouded, and the figures of the dragon bones and the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python were looming, but everyone could still vaguely see that the red thread was continuously being injected into the body of the Cloud-Eating Dragon Python.

The Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python came to a standstill and was suspended in mid-air, like a stone sculpture, but everyone could clearly feel that its aura was constantly rising and rising...

Three days passed unknowingly. The blood-like red thread in the dragon's bones is getting lighter and lighter, but the aura of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky, and the extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged in from all directions and condensed on this simple stone house.

A ray of lightning fell from the spiritual cloud, passed through the roof, and hit the cloud-swallowing dragon python and the dragon bone heavily. The blue electric snake swam away quickly, closely connecting the two.

"Kick-kick...kick-kick...kick-kick..." In people's ears, there was also a crisp sound of bones being dislocated or broken.

Among the lingering clouds and mist, the looming figure of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python began to twist sharply, as if every bone had been scattered, broken, and then reassembled. In the process, the entire body of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python was mercilessly torn apart. It was torn apart and even torn away from the bones, and the blood dripping all over the body was too horrible to look at.

The wind and cloud transform into a dragon, this is the legendary wind and cloud transform into a dragon!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was excited, but at the same time, they were also secretly frightened. Such a rebirth is indeed a thousand times more terrifying than the shedding of a snake monster, and it must also be a thousand times more painful. Only monsters can endure such pain that is worse than life. If it were a human Saint Master, he would have died of pain countless times.

No, even monsters, even ancient beasts with dragon bloodline like the Cloud-Swallowing Dragon Python, cannot bear such pain!

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