Seeing that Fang Tianyou's performance was much more mature than before, Gu Fenghua and others were secretly pleased.

"Two elders, do you know if there is any news about the ancient ruins?" Gu Fenghua asked in passing as he was still thinking about finding suitable treasures to extend the longevity of the three naughty children.

"No, we asked many people to inquire, and it is said that Sect Master Luo did not leave any last words when he died." Lu Changsheng said apologetically.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work, two elders. I'll figure it out myself." Gu Fenghua said disappointedly.

It seems that I can only go to the far north ice field to search slowly. But, do the three naughty children really have so much time to let her search slowly?

"Fenghua, don't be too anxious. Let's think about it again and maybe we can find some clues." Seeing her lonely face, Lu Changsheng said comfortingly.

After saying that, the two of them said goodbye and walked out.

"It's not good, Young Sect Master, Elder, it's not good, it's coming again!" Before they could walk out of the courtyard, they saw a young disciple shouting loudly, rushing in with panic on his face, and almost hit him head-on. Into James's arms.

"How rude is it to panic? Speak slowly, what happened? Who is here?" James grabbed him and shouted sharply.

"No, sir, the Setting Sun Sect is here again, here again!" The disciple said in panic.

"Setting Sun Sect!" Not only the two outstanding talents Zhan Shibai and Lu Changsheng, but also Gu Fenghua and others were surprised.

According to the Xuan Gang Sect's plan, they would go to seek bad luck from the Can Yang Sect tomorrow. Who knew that before they could take action, the Can Yang Sect would come to visit them again.

"Could he be here to apologize?" James speculated.

Needless to say, the elders and deacons of the Setting Sun Sect originally had such thoughts, but now, it is obviously not the case anymore.

"No, it won't." The disciple said.

"How do you know?" James asked.

"Because there are more people coming this time, and many brothers have been killed and injured by them along the way." The young disciple replied.

"What!" Everyone's expressions changed.

After the battle ended a few days ago, Xuangang Sect strengthened its defenses and placed many manpower at the city's main roads. Since the Setting Sun Sect took action against them, it was obviously not as simple as an apology.

"This Qu Dangyuan, didn't the lesson given to him last time be enough? He dared to come to seek death!" Zhan Shibai roared furiously.

After winning a big victory last time, the little old man became more courageous, his temper also increased, and he ran away when things were no longer going well for him.

"The Setting Sun Sect suffered a big loss, and they actually came to visit us again. This is a bit strange. Let's go out and have a look." Lu Changsheng said solemnly.

After hearing what he said, James became much calmer. Indeed, it is impossible for the Setting Sun Sect to do this to seek death. They must be confident, but they don’t know what they can rely on?

As a result, Elder Zhan immediately revealed his true form, all his anger disappeared, and he walked out with an uneasy look on his face.

Of course, Gu Fenghua and others would not sit idly by and followed quickly.

At this time, Zhong Lingxiu, Zhu Sifang and others also received the news and rushed towards the entrance of Xuangang Sect. Everyone's faces were filled with the same doubt: What does the Setting Sun Sect rely on to make a comeback so quickly?

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the Xuangang Sect.

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