My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5091 5091 It’s too late to run away

There was silence at the door, and thousands of Xuangang Sect disciples were already waiting in formation with long swords in hand. Different from those disciples last time, this time, most of the people guarding the sect are the elites of the sect. The few old men headed by them are extraordinary and they are the guests who hurried back to Xuan Gang Sect to worship them.

However, not long after they came back, their faces looked a little tired.

Opposite them were the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect, led by Qu Dangyuan, and a group of strong men from the Zhanxin Sect, led by Wen Longyuan.

Although they had just suffered a disastrous defeat a few days ago, the two sects at this time were filled with murderous intent, and their momentum was even stronger than a few days ago.

They were not in a hurry to take action, but without saying a word, they stared coldly at the Xuangang Sect disciples across from them, just like wolves and tigers looking at weak lambs. That cold gaze made people feel a great deal of power invisibly. pressure.

"Qu Dangyuan, I let you escape last time, but you still dare to come to my door. Do you really not know how the word "death" is written?" Zhan Shibai separated from the crowd, stood in front of his disciple, and shouted sharply at Qu Dangyuan. .

His voice was full of energy, and he sounded quite powerful, but it always had a hint of sternness. There was no way, he was already uneasy, and seeing the battle in front of him, he felt even less confident. He believed that without enough support, Qu Dangyuan and others would never be as calm and calm as they were.

The situation today is a little bad.

Unfortunately, the incident happened suddenly and he was completely unprepared. He didn't even have time to run away, so he had no choice but to brave the situation.

"Is everyone here?" Qu Dangyuan ignored his yelling and asked abruptly.

"What?" Zhan Shibo was stunned and looked at Qu Dangyuan inexplicably.

"If everyone is here, then we can take action." Qu Dangyuan said calmly.

After the last disastrous defeat, he hated the Xuangang Sect even more deeply, and made up his mind that today he must wipe out all members of the Xuangang Sect, leaving no one behind. The reason why I didn't rush to take action just now was because I was afraid of disturbing the situation. At this time, even the old man who is greedy for life and afraid of death has appeared, and the others will definitely not escape early, so they should take action.

"Hmph, what a strong tone! Qu Dangyuan, do you really think that my Xuan Gang Sect is afraid of your Can Yang Sect! Could it be that some strong man was invited to help me with my fists? Why don't you call him out and let me see him?" Zhan Shibai vaguely understood. After realizing what Qu Dang meant, even though he was seriously lacking in confidence, he still couldn't help but get furious.

No matter how much you, the Can Yang Sect, rely on, no matter how much you ask your envoys to come forward for you, our Xuan Gang Sect has a large city defense formation in hand, and it cannot be destroyed just by simply destroying it. As long as you are willing to risk your life, It's possible to send away a few younger disciples and preserve some blood for the sect, right? I want to catch everyone in my Xuan Gang Sect from top to bottom, just dream!

Of course he couldn't guess what the Setting Sun Sect relied on, but when he thought about it, the most likely possibility was to persuade some envoy to help. However, even the envoy could not easily break through Beiyuan. This is the city's defense formation.

In his anger, he did not notice that when he said these words, the faces of the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect opposite him showed a sarcastic smile, and there was even a bit of pity in that smile.

"Elder Zhan, something is not quite right. Why don't we let those young disciples retreat first?" Zhan Shibo didn't notice, but Gu Fenghua noticed the sarcasm and compassion in the other person's smile. said.

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