My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5111 5111 Even the dragon can’t stop it!

Subconsciously, Luo Enen and the others drew their swords and rushed forward, but as soon as they took two steps, they stumbled. In the previous hard battle, their holy energy was greatly damaged. Even if they had condensed three or even four innate holy spirit roots, they would not be able to recover in such a short period of time.

Looking at Gui Jiao like this, he probably won't be able to hold on for long. Could it be that in the end, he can only watch this excellent weapon spirit escape from Beiyuan City? Several people looked unwilling.

Fortunately, the cloud-devouring dragon python didn't know what they were thinking, otherwise it would definitely be even more unwilling: I'm not dead yet, how can I become a weapon spirit and become a good weapon spirit?

"Huh!" Just when Luo Enen and the others were filled with unwillingness, suddenly, a tall and strong beast shadow appeared in front of the giant dragon transformed into the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python, and punched it on the head.

"Obsidian!" Several people shouted in surprise.

It was the little bear cub who took action, but at this moment, the little bear cub shone and transformed again, turning into an iron-eating beast nearly ten feet tall, with muscles all over its body bulging. Every muscle seemed to be filled with explosive power. The hammer-like fist struck out, and the space was distorted again, and even pierced by a punch.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the giant dragon dwarfed and was knocked to the ground by the punch.

The iron-eating beast shook its body, put away its fists, and blew on it, looking triumphant.

"Its injuries are all healed!" Luo Enen looked at its huge fist and exclaimed again.

Sure enough, the fist that had been so torn apart that the bones were almost visible was completely restored to its original state, as if it were made of fine steel.

Not only Luo Enen, but others were also surprised.

Although the blood of the ancient beasts in the iron-eating beast is powerful, it is precisely because it is too powerful. As it continues to grow, the aura of Wuji Holy Sky becomes increasingly insufficient, and cannot even meet its life needs. Therefore, every time it is injured, it recovers more and more slowly, so that after every battle, it has to sleep in the demon pet space for a long time before it can fully recover.

But this time, it was obviously seriously injured. How could it recover so quickly?

Just when they were surprised and confused, Obsidian let out a bear roar, staggered on his feet, tilted his body, and fell towards the giant dragon like a hill.

Drunken fist! Having seen its previous attacks, everyone knew that this was the little bear cub's unique skill - Drunken Fist. But this time, its figure was crooked, even more drunk, and its strength was several times stronger than before.

"Ka!" There was a crisp sound of broken bones coming from the giant dragon's body.

The iron-eating beast succeeded again, and instead of getting up, it turned over, tilted its body again, and hit the dragon's back heavily.

"Crack, roar..." The crisp sound of broken bones and the dragon's mournful cry sounded at the same time.

Next, the iron-eater drunkenly leaned forward, leaned back, and fell sideways, hitting the dragon with heavy hammers, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and shoulder strikes.

The poor dragon screamed miserably, and was so smashed that it could no longer get up.

Pandas know martial arts, even dragons can't stop them! Gu Fenghua and others were stunned.

Without giving the giant dragon a chance to breathe, the next moment, the little fox also appeared on the scene. The graceful fox tails swayed and screamed, and the sharp claws swept the earth like a strong wind, slashing across the dragon's body, bringing out sparks and bloodshot streaks.

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