My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5112 The reason for the popularity of singing

Like the little bear cub, the little fox was now fully healed from its injuries, and the fur that had been burnt black by lightning had even become smoother and softer than before, glowing with a mysterious luster.

"Its injuries are all healed!" Seeing this, Luo Enen was even more surprised.

"It should be the result of the drunkenness of the Holy Heart." Ye Wuse picked up a wine jar and smelled it.

Luo Enen and others also picked up a wine jar each, moved the tips of their noses, and soon realized something.

Although all the Holy Heart intoxication was drunk by a few naughty children, not a drop was left, but the strong aroma of the wine did not dissipate, and the strong vitality could still be felt from it.

It felt like the Sacred Heart Drunk brewed by Gu Fenghua himself was very different from the ones they had tasted in Yunjin City. The alcohol was stronger and the charm of heaven and earth contained in it was also somewhat different, but the vitality was somehow stronger. times. There is no doubt that the two naughty children relied on this to survive. They recovered from all their injuries and recovered quickly.

And the singing nature of Jianbian is very strong, and the singing voice is so magical, which is probably related to this.

Putting down the wine jar, they continued to look at the two naughty children while refining their elixir power and desperately trying to restore their holy energy. Judging from the situation in front of them, the two naughty boys have the upper hand, but the opponent has turned into a dragon after all. The outcome is still unpredictable until the last moment, so they don't dare to be careless.

However, their worries were unnecessary again.

Even though the little fox's fighting power was not strong before, now with drunken eyes, his fighting power has increased several times or even ten times. As the small claws were swung out again and again, pieces of the dragon's armor cracked, and the dragon's body was a mess of flesh and blood.

The little bear cub became more and more courageous as he fought, fully displaying the power of drunken fist. With a muffled sound of "bang bang bang bang", the giant dragon prostrated on the ground and never had the chance to get up. There were also waves coming out of the corners of his mouth. Black blood.

"Item spirit, Item spirit, Item spirit..." The ghost dragon roared nervously, swaying excitedly, then pounced on it, opened its big mouth and bit the dragon's tail, rolling, rolling, rolling desperately . This is the special move shared by all dragon monsters: death roll.

The most surprising thing is that even while rolling, he still screamed in an almost crazy manner: "Item Spirit, Item Spirit, Item Spirit..."

At this time, even Luo Enen and others were confused: they were worried about being refined into a weapon spirit by Gu Fenghua. A ghost dragon that was so good was so frightened. You can imagine how much pressure Gu Fenghua put on it. The mountain is big.

When the little cheap flower also twisted its flower plate, finally regained some consciousness, raised its vines high, and struck the giant dragon with no accuracy, the poor dragon completely lost its will to resist and let out one last feeble scream. , slumped to the ground like a dead snake - well, given its current short stature, it might be more appropriate to call it a dead shrimp.

Almost every scale on the body was torn apart, and was even directly grabbed into pieces by the ferocious little fox. Almost every bone on the body was shattered, and was even directly smashed into pieces by the brutal iron-eating beast. residue. Wave after wave of heart-rending pain flooded into his mind, almost tearing his soul apart.

What does it mean to be in pain beyond wishing to live, and what does life mean to be worse than death? Such pain, let alone half-transformation, even a real dragon cannot bear it!

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