My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5131 5131 As soon as he started drinking, he went crazy

"If you don't come out, I won't come out even if you beat me to death." After a few tugs, James Bai let go of Lu Changsheng's trouser legs, hugged the table legs tightly with both hands, and said with determination.

At this time, the Supreme Elder, who had always been greedy for life and fearful of death, showed unprecedented determination.

Not only Lu Changsheng, but also several other elders were almost crying. It's so embarrassing. The Xuan Gang Sect has lost all its face by this Supreme Elder.

"Great tribute, the dead shrimp cannot be resurrected. My condolences to you, old man." Next to him, several guest ministers also came to Sima Batian's side and advised him with sincere words.

"My shrimp, my shrimp, it was so hard to find such an ancient alien species. I originally wanted it to provide for me until I die. Who knew that a white-haired person would send a black-haired person to me? I don't want to live anymore, I don't want to live anymore!" It was okay if they didn't comfort him, but when they comforted him, Sima Batian beat his chest and cried even more passionately.

"It's not a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a gift, you, the old man, are sending shrimps." A guest couldn't help but remind him.

"Who said it was from a shrimp? It's called a shrimp... a shrimp with the blood of the dragon clan. My miserable shrimp... bang!" Sima Batian sobbed and defended. When he mentioned the dragon bloodline, he couldn't help but feel sad. He shouted and hit his head against the wall.

Amidst the muffled sound, the entire banquet hall shook.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Of course, a strong man in the realm of the Emperor's Saint cannot be killed so easily. Sima Batian, who was extremely sad, did not give up. Like a chicken pecking at rice, he hit the wall hard again and again. On top of it, he cried out sadly: "My shrimp, my shrimp..."

"My condolences, my condolences." The other guests were startled and quickly reached out to catch him.

However, compared to Zhan Shibo, Sima Batian was obviously more powerful. Once he went crazy with alcohol, they couldn't stop him even if they joined forces.

"I don't want to live anymore, don't stop me, let me die, let me die." Sima Batian continued to wail loudly while hitting the wall continuously with "bang bang bang bang".

The banquet hall was in chaos, and everyone was exhausted and exhausted from the two drunken old men.

On the other hand, the disciples waiting on the side were smarter. Seeing that something was not going well, they quickly went to the kitchen and brought some sobering soup. However, the drunkenness of the Holy Heart could not be resolved by the ordinary sobering soup. After forcibly drinking the sobering soup, the Supreme Elder showed no sign of waking up. He still hugged the table legs with a look of horror on his face and refused to come out. The great worshipper burst into tears, and Sapo rolled and hit the wall to seek death, crying even more miserably.

Next to him, Gu Fenghua had already broken into a cold sweat. Only today did he realize that drunken madness is so terrible. In comparison, the performance of the three naughty children was actually very good.

She was the one who caused the trouble. Of course she couldn't just stand aside and watch the fun, so she decisively took out the golden needle. She was afraid that there was nothing she could do to relieve the hangover. She didn't prepare any special hangover pills, so she could only seal their energy, blood and soul first and let them have a good sleep. By the time I wake up, I guess I should have sobered up from the wine.

"Ah...oh...ah...oh!" Suddenly, a familiar melody came to my ears.

Gu Fenghua's whole body was shaken, his scalp was instantly numb, and his hand shook so violently that the golden needle almost fell to the ground.

Lu Changsheng and others, who were busy preparing to drag the Supreme Elder out from under the table, were struck by lightning, and they all froze on the spot.

Several guest ministers who were comforting Sima Batian stopped talking at the same time, as if someone had cast a spell of silence.

The two drunken lunatics also suddenly became quiet, and the whole banquet room fell into dead silence.

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