My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5132 5132 Sorry, I forgot the words

Everyone slowly turned around and looked in the direction where the singing was coming from. They saw Fatty Bai with his face flushed and his mouth open. The last lingering sound was floating out of his mouth.

Seemingly noticing everyone's gazes, Fatty White also looked towards them, grinning with an excited smile, and seemed ready to continue singing loudly.

"No!" There was a cry of exclamation in the hall, and everyone's hearts were instantly raised to their throats.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot my words." Fatty Bai opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound, then scratched his forehead and sat back down with an apologetic look on his face.

Okay, okay, luckily I forgot the words. Everyone subconsciously wiped their foreheads, only to find that their foreheads were covered in cold sweat.

"Ah Yi, ah Yi ... Ah hissing 嘚 呔 呔 呔 嘚 呔 嘚 呔 啲 啲 嘚 呔 呔 吺 吺 吺 吺 伊 伊 伊 伊 吺 吺 吺 伊 伊 吺 吺 吺 吺 吺 吺 吺 哟 哟 吺, the crisp and cheerful singing sounded again.

"Ding!" Looking at Miss Luo, who was jumping and singing with the wine glass in her hand, the golden needle in Gu Fenghua's hand finally fell to the ground.

Lu Changsheng and others were trembling with fear on their faces, as if they wanted to say something, but with their mouths open, they just kept gasping for air and could not say a word.

It's terrible, this song, this melody is really terrible.

From the time Miss Luo opened her mouth to the time she finished singing this line, it only took a few breaths, but to everyone, it seemed like ten years and a hundred years. When the singing echoed in the hall and finally disappeared, they realized that their backs were soaked with cold sweat.

After singing these lyrics, Miss Luo took a deep breath and opened her mouth again.

"No!" Lu Changsheng and others woke up and screamed again.

"Uh... I forgot my words too." Luo Enen stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and sat back with a blush on her face.

"Huh!" Everyone let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Miss Luo also forgot her words, otherwise they would really doubt whether they could leave the banquet hall alive.

Wiping away cold sweat with lingering fear, everyone subconsciously looked at Ye Wuse again. Fatty Bai and Luo Enen have already finished singing, so it won't be his turn next.

What makes people extremely happy is that Ye Wuse is sitting upright, looking at his nose and nose, his face is serious, and he doesn't seem to be interested in showing off his singing voice at all.

Everyone was relieved, and their hearts finally settled down.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I've been brewing my emotions for a while." At this moment, Ye Wuse suddenly said.

"What..." Everyone was startled at the same time, and then their expressions changed drastically.

The next moment, they rushed towards Ye Wuse at the same time as they had agreed.

"Ah plung pear, ah, ah, ah, a large knife, ah, a pear, ah, ah, ah, a big knife ..." Unfortunately, it was still a step slowly after all. The erotic song has already sounded.

Big pears and big knives seemed to fall on their heads.

The heart was once again thrown thousands of feet high into the sky. As soon as it reached the highest point, it was slapped violently by an invisible big hand and fell into the abyss. Then it was thrown up again and fell again... Even the soul was seven with it. Up and down, feeling uneasy!

Lu Changsheng and others stood there blankly, unable to move any further. The same thought came to their minds at the same time: Pills, pills!

They are worthy of being strong men in the realm of emperors and saints. Although their spiritual thoughts are not as good as Gu Fenghua's, their intuition is still very accurate.

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