My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5144 5144 They also have today

"What's so difficult about that? Don't you think it's quite simple?" Fang Tianyou said cheerfully while doing his handprints.

As he spoke, he embedded the Holy Spirit Stone in another formation next to him and made a hand seal.

"Bang!" At this moment, the flying boat that was soaring into the sky and crossing the clouds suddenly stopped. Fang Tianyou was busy doing his hand seals. He was completely unprepared. He was driven forward by the strong inertia and slammed forward heavily. It hit the dazzling window made of mithril crystal.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were either sitting on chairs or simply sitting cross-legged on the ground. They were not as miserable as him, but they were all badly beaten.

"God bless, are you okay?" Luo Enen and others asked worriedly as they got up. You can tell from the sound that Fang Tianyou was hit hard.

"It's okay, it's okay." Fang Tianyou got up in despair, covered his forehead with his hand, and said as if nothing had happened.

However, before he finished speaking, he felt a lightness under his feet, and the flying boat rose into the sky again. Before Fang Tianyou could stabilize his body, he was thrown backward, passed through the narrow corridor, and hit the wall behind the cabin hard.

"Bang! Ah..." There was another muffled sound. What sounded at the same time was the shrill scream of Master Fang.

Luo Enen and others also rolled around and fell to the ground again.

"Stop it, stop it!" Before they even had time to stand up, everyone shouted in unison.

Although with their strength, such a collision would not kill anyone, but a strong person in the realm of Emperor Saint would also feel pain, okay?

Among the crowd, only Gu Fenghua could barely maintain his balance. He immediately rushed forward and quickly made hand seals. Unfortunately, just as she expected, because the formation was too strong, it was more difficult to control. For a while, even she couldn't stop the Yundu Feizhou. There was no way, it was her first time trying to control these formations, and these formations were not created by herself, so they were not much better than others.

As a result, the Flying Boat across the Clouds was still flying towards the sky like an arrow from its string.

That's all. Anyway, due to the limitations of heaven and earth, they can't really break through the void and fly out of the Infinite Holy Sky. But the problem is that this cloud-crossing flying boat does not keep rising upwards, but flies. Suddenly It stopped suddenly, and then started suddenly again, without even slowing down in the middle.

Everyone seemed to hear Jianjian's terrifying soul-shaking demonic voice again, their hearts were beating wildly, and they were almost about to speak out.

What's even more frightening is that Fang Tianyou has already activated the second formation. Unfortunately, that is the formation to control the descent of the Flying Boat.

As a result, the flying boat flying across the clouds soared into the sky for a while, stopped suddenly for a while, and suddenly fell down again. Sometimes it even skipped the process of stopping suddenly. One moment it was flying straight into the sky, and the next moment it was flying into the abyss.

Luo Enen and others could no longer stabilize their bodies, rolling around in the cabin like a ball with the huge inertia. Of course, Fang Tianyou was the worst offender. Others were more or less prepared and could protect themselves even if they couldn't stabilize their bodies. But he was so dizzy from the start that he couldn't even care about protecting himself. , like a dead leaf blowing in the wind, fluttering around in the cabin, causing screams all over the sky.

Not to mention them, even Gu Fenghua was shaky and unsteady on his feet, and he was scrambling to make his handprints one after another.

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