She felt even more regretful in her heart, because she thought that it would not be long before heading to the far north ice field, so she had arranged the Holy Spirit Stone in the formation at the bottom of the flying boat early. She should have known that Fang Tianyou was so impatient and so reckless, and With such an amazing "talent", she would never do such a stupid thing.

As he desperately concentrated his thoughts, Gu Fenghua's face gradually turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat formed on his forehead.

Suddenly, the illusory figure of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python appeared in the formation, the python's body twisted, and its four small claws danced rapidly in accordance with Gu Fenghua's handprints.

Duyun Feizhou paused for a moment, then gradually slowed down, and finally stopped steadily in mid-air.

"Stop, stop!" Luo Enen first looked out blankly through the porthole, and saw the white clouds floating slowly outside. Then he came back to his senses and almost cried with joy.

"Fortunately, we finally stopped." Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai stood up, clutching their chests tightly with lingering fears on their faces.

Gu Fenghua was equally happy: Fortunately, she retained a trace of spiritual thought for the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python. At the critical moment, it was thanks to its help that she was able to stop the formation.

etc! Can the formation be completely stopped with only the last weak spiritual thought of the Cloud-Devouring Dragon Python? While feeling lucky, Gu Fenghua suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

"Whoosh!" Amidst the screams, Gu Fenghua felt his body light up, and the Yundu Feizhou was already falling rapidly downwards.

In an instant, everyone's hair stood on end. From this, it is not difficult to see how fast the flying boat fell.

The only good thing is that as soon as they stood up, everyone subconsciously grabbed the platform or clung to the door frame, but they didn't fall to the ground like before, or be thrown away like Fang Tianyou.

After stabilizing their bodies, everyone let out a long sigh of relief, but soon, their expressions changed again.

"Not good!" Ye Wuse exclaimed.

Looking down through the glare window, Beiyuan City quickly zoomed in, and the next moment, the flying boat crashed into the city, looking in the direction of Xuan Gang Sect, the city lord's palace.

If it falls normally, there is no need to worry based on their cultivation level, but it will definitely be different if it falls at such a speed. This is obviously the speed of meteorites falling to the ground and flying fireballs. With their cultivation level of the sixth level of Emperor Saint, most of them will It's more bad than good.

The strangest thing is that, like the Cloud Crossing Flying Boat of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, once this Cloud Crossing Flying Boat is activated, the protective formation will be activated by itself, which means that they now have no chance to escape.

With no choice, Ye Wuse could only use his full power to stabilize his steps by running the Holy Qi. He took a sharp step forward, inserted a Holy Spirit Stone into the formation, and then quickly made hand seals.

Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Liu Sanjue didn't have time to think too much. At the same time, they took out the Holy Spirit Stone and inserted it into the formation, and then made their fingerprints. As for Young Master Fang, he didn't know where he had been thrown, but the screams one after another proved that he was still there, that he was still alive, telling others not to worry too much about him.

For a moment, everyone didn't care what kind of handprint they were making or what formation they were controlling. Anyway, as long as they could stop the falling trend.

Fortunately, with the concerted efforts of everyone, Duyun Feizhou finally stabilized its fall. However, it is said that they are working together, but in fact they are just working together. In such a panic, it is impossible to work together.

Then, above Beiyuan City, a delicate flying boat suddenly stopped and flew towards the east. Just after it flew far, it suddenly drew a strange arc and flew towards the north. Just after it flew Not far away, it suddenly drew a strange arc and hit the city gate diagonally. Just as he was about to hit the city wall, he suddenly turned around and flew towards the city gate on the other side.

Just like this, the Flying Boat flew left, right, up, up, fast and slow, drawing strange arcs, scurrying around above Beiyuan City. With a final scream, it flew out of Beiyuan City, leaving only A twisting, serpentine wave of air.

Everyone in the city raised their heads and stared dumbfounded at the flying boat that disappeared in the distance.

In the Xuangang Sect, outside the sect leader's house, Zhan Shibai and Lu Changsheng also looked stunned.

"What is that?" After a while, James asked with dull eyes.

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