"I heard from the young sect master that Feng Hua seems to have refined a cloud-crossing flying boat by himself. I guess this is it." Lu Changsheng thought for a while and said.

"Is this how the Yundu Feizhou flies?" Zhan Shibai said with a look of shock. Because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he rarely went out for training and never took a transitional cloud flying boat. He originally wanted to find a chance to experience it while he was still alive. Seeing this scene, his heart sank to the bottom—— It made me dizzy just looking at it. It would kill people if I sat on it. Pills, absolutely pills!

"This is not usually the case, but maybe Fenghua is drunk." Lu Changsheng held his chin and said thoughtfully.

Gu Fenghua could swear to God that she was not drunk, definitely not drunk, and she had not even touched a drop of alcohol at all. However, when she staggered out of the Yundu Feizhou, it was no different from being drunk.

She could no longer remember exactly how the flying boat across the clouds stopped. She only knew that the sky was spinning, the earth was spinning, and bizarre scenes flashed past her eyes, and the whole world was completely distorted. Even when she jumped off the cloud-crossing flying boat and finally found her feet on the ground, she still felt dizzy and her eyes were still spinning.

Even Gu Fenghua was like this, and of course the others were in worse condition.

"Plop!" Immediately after Gu Fenghua, another person jumped out of the Yundu Feizhou, but he fell to the ground and fell to the ground. Then he could not get up again. He just clung to the ground with his shoulders shaking. Panting desperately.

Gu Fenghua turned his head and tried hard to focus his eyes. After watching for a while, the flickering double images merged together, and he finally saw clearly that it was Liu Sanjue who was lying on the ground.

It’s not easy to continue to suffer this kind of pain at such an old age. Looking at Liu Sanjue's shaking shoulders, Gu Fenghua expressed deep sympathy.

Obviously, she underestimated the elderly, or overestimated the young people.

After Liu Sanjue, Fatty Bai jumped down with a "Tong" sound, looked at Gu Fenghua wanderingly, tried hard to squeeze out a smile that was harder than crying, and then fell back without saying a word. , lying sprawled on the ground.

In fact, whether you are an old person or a young person, it is not easy to suffer this living sin. Gu Fenghua secretly sighed.

Immediately afterwards, another figure jumped down, this time it was Ye Wuse.

Compared with the previous two, his performance was much better. Although he staggered a little when he landed, he immediately stabilized his figure, leaned on the flying boat across the clouds, and nodded towards Gu Fenghua, his expression as before He is calm and composed, with a touch of melancholy beauty.

As expected of a queen of the royal family, her character and concentration are really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Looking at Ye Wuse's slightly lazy but more refined figure, and his calm demeanor that remained unmoving despite the wind and rain, even Gu Fenghua secretly admired him.

Hey...wait! Just when Gu Fenghua was sighing secretly, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Looking carefully, Ye Wuse was leaning on the flying boat. Although he was in an extremely leisurely posture, his legs were shaking and shaking. If his whole body weight hadn't been pressed against the flying boat, he would have been there by now. Just like the first two, he lay on the ground... well, he might as well have been lying on the ground.

"Don't hold on tight, it's not good for your health. Sit down and rest for a while." Gu Fenghua's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said to Ye Wuse in a serious voice.

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