My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5148 5148 Have you forgotten that there is someone else?

Because there is only Beiyuan City near the Far North Icefield, and there are only three major sects in the city, the Heavenly Spirit and Earth Qi are much more abundant than in other places in the Spiritual Realm. Even in this wasteland, it is not difficult for Gu Fenghua to control the wind in the air.

Calculating the time, it didn't take long for them to leave the city, and the Duyun Feizhou was running around in circles, so it shouldn't be too far from Beiyuan City at this time. Arriving at an altitude of several hundred feet, Gu Fenghua looked around. Sure enough, to the northwest, hundreds of miles away, he could vaguely see the outline of a city.

"Have you found it?" Luo Enen asked after Gu Fenghua floated down.

In fact, with her strength, she could fly up into the air to see for herself, but she was overstimulated just now, and now whenever she thinks about the word "fly", she feels like the world is spinning, her eyes are going dark, and her stomach is churning again.

"Found it. It's not far. Let's go." Gu Fenghua said as he put away the Flying Boat.

Although there was an accident just now, it was only because they were not proficient enough in controlling the formation and their cooperation was not tacit enough. Of course, Gu Fenghua would not give up such a good flying spiritual weapon - and the Wuji Holy Sky because of choking. Unlike other cloud-crossing flying boats, this one can really fly.

With a thought in his mind, the storage bracelet on his hand emitted a strange light, but Duyun Feizhou showed no reaction at all.

Gu Fenghua was a little confused, and his thoughts moved again, but the Flying Cloud Flying Boat still stopped firmly in place.

What's going on? Could it be that the impact was too hard when it landed and the formation was broken? But it doesn't make sense. The storage bracelet is not broken. Even if the Yundu Feizhou crashes into a pile of broken metal, there is no reason why it can't be recovered.

"Fenghua, did you forget that there is someone else?" Seeing Gu Fenghua's doubts, Ye Wuse suddenly asked.

"Yeah!" Gu Fenghua feebly patted his forehead. He was really dizzy by this cloud-crossing flying boat. His mind was so confused that he actually forgot that Fang Tianyou had not come out yet.

"It's been so long, why haven't you come out yet? Nothing will happen, right?" After Ye Wuse reminded him, Luo Enen also thought of Fang Tianyou and said worriedly.

Logically speaking, Sect Master Fang Shao is now a strong man of the fourth level of Emperor Saint, and is generally not prone to accidents. But this Yundu Feizhou is made of fine gold and mithril from top to bottom, inside and out. It is extremely strong. Once the defensive formation is activated, it is even more indestructible. If it hits like a ball like him, it will not be able to escape. Not surprisingly.

Gu Fenghua and others were so worried that they had no time to say anything and rushed back to Duyun Feizhou again. But as soon as they entered the door, they suddenly stopped again.

Next to the gate, a pig's head with a bruised nose and swollen face, and several big blood bags on its forehead was sitting against the wall, looking at them with dull eyes.

"God bless!" Luo Enen shouted cautiously.

Looking at it like this, Fang Tianyou was obviously seriously injured and frightened. He still hadn't come back to his senses until now. She was afraid that the louder voice would scare him.

Fang Tianyou showed no reaction, his eyes were dull today, and he didn't even move his eyeballs.

"God bless!" Is the voice too soft? Lorne tried to speak louder.

However, Fang Tianyou still had no reaction.

"God bless!" Luo Enen shouted at the top of his lungs.

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