My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5149 5149 I just broke my brain

This time, Fang Tianyou finally reacted, but he only slowly rolled his eyes, and then stopped quickly, as if he was petrified.

"God bless you, don't scare us." Seeing his stupid look, Lorne's voice was a little crying.

Although she is usually careless and careless, her thoughts are actually very simple. As long as she is regarded as a friend, she will not hesitate to sacrifice her life for him.

"Don't worry yet. Maybe you're just overly frightened. It'll be fine in a while." Gu Fenghua said and walked forward, took out a holy elixir that calmed the soul and handed it to Fang Tianyou's mouth.

Fang Tianyou had some reaction again, but he just opened his mouth and let Gu Fenghua feed the holy elixir into his mouth. Then he stretched his neck and swallowed, but his eyes remained motionless, looking like a puppet on strings. of.

"It doesn't matter if you're injured, can you still stand up?" Gu Fenghua asked tentatively again.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Tianyou stood up with a "soaring" sound. Gu Fenghua and the others were caught off guard and were shocked.

However, Fang Tianyou stood up and stood still like a sculpture, motionless.

"Can you move your hands?" Fatty Bai asked.

"Huh!" Fang Tianyou stretched his arms forward, raised them flat to his chest, and then kept this position without moving.

"Then, can we leave?" Ye Wuse asked.

Fang Tianyou didn't look sideways and moved his feet, but failed to take a step.

"Can't you leave?" Deep worry appeared on Ye Wuse's face.

"Then, can you dance?" Fatty Bai thought for a while and then asked.

"Yes." Fang Tianyou stretched out his arms without bending his knees, and just jumped forward straight.

"Fortunately, I can still dance!" Fatty Bai breathed a sigh of relief and encouraged him, "Dance one more time."

So, Fang Tianyou stretched out his arms and jumped forward straightly.

"Dance again, jump again, keep dancing!" Fatty Bai continued to encourage.

Then, Fang Tianyou stretched out his arms, looked straight, straightened his knees, and jumped in front of them.

Why does this scene look so miserable? Gu Fenghua and others only felt the gloomy wind blowing around them, and the hair on their bones stood up.

"It seems that nothing is wrong." Fatty Bai was completely unaware. He turned his head and said to Gu Fenghua and others with a relaxed expression.

There was deathly silence all around, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

"Are you really sure that he is okay like this?" After a while, Luo Enen tilted his head and asked.

Fang Tianyou is like this, saying that puppets are all compliments to him, but this is clearly a zombie, how dare you say that it's okay?

"Well, it seems a little abnormal." The fat man held his chin as if thinking.

Well, not only was Fang Tianyou abnormal, but Fatty Bai was also abnormal. He probably damaged his brain just now or hadn't fainted yet. Gu Fenghua and others were sweating violently.

"Stop!" Ignoring Fatty Bai, Gu Fenghua stepped forward quickly and shouted towards Fang Tianyou.

Then Fang Tianyou paused, raised his arms straight and stopped straight.

Gu Fenghua stretched out his hand to hold his pulse gate and explored it with his spiritual mind. After a while, she released her fingers, a look of confusion on her face.

"How is he? Is there anything wrong?" Luo Enen and others caught up and asked with worried faces.

"It's just some skin injuries, nothing serious." Gu Fenghua answered.

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