My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5151 5151 For your worst sake

Fang Tianyou pouted aggrievedly: "I didn't want to either. I didn't expect it would be like this. I will never dare to do it again."

"That's right, it's all you. Forget it, I won't settle the score with you for now because you are the worst off." Luo Enen originally wanted to beat up Fang Tianyou, but seeing how miserable Fang Tianyou was Come on, endure it.

"I can't do it anymore, no. Then let's go back? Are you going to lie to me?" Fang Tianyou asked cautiously.

"I'm not going to lie to you, let's walk back." Gu Fenghua said.

"Ugh..." Fang Tianyou burst into tears again, but this time he was crying with joy.

After finally seeing Fang Tianyou return to normal, Gu Fenghua didn't want to irritate him anymore and quickly put the Duyun Feizhou into the storage bracelet.

Seeing this, everyone else also let out a long sigh of relief.

Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel depressed: This is the only cloud-crossing flying boat in Wuji Holy Sky that can fly. Even if it is a little difficult to control and something happens accidentally, you don't have to dislike it like this.

But she was depressed. Whenever she recalled the spinning feeling just now, even she felt dizzy. It was hard to blame others.

When Fang Tianyou was done crying and his mood gradually stabilized, the group walked towards Beiyuan City.

"Help, help!" Behind him, several frightening cries for help suddenly sounded.

Everyone subconsciously stopped and turned to look back, and saw three young holy masters running towards them in fear, and "Ouch" came from behind.

"Ouch" roared, and a monster was chasing after him. However, his line of sight was blocked by the three people in front of him, so he couldn't see clearly what monster it was.

Heavenly Saint Ninth Grade! Several young holy masters ran for their lives, circulating their holy energy to the extreme, and holy beads appeared naturally on their foreheads. Gu Fenghua and others could clearly see that one of the leaders had reached the ninth level of Heavenly Saint, while the other two companions had slightly weaker cultivation levels, but they had also reached the eighth level of Heavenly Saint.

With such a level of cultivation, no matter where he is placed, he cannot be considered a weakling. He is actually being chased like this by a monster. I don’t know what kind of monster it is? Seeing their pale faces and eyes full of panic and fear, Gu Fenghua and others were secretly curious.

"It's a disciple of Xuan Gang Sect!" Ye Wuse suddenly said.

Sure enough, as they ran closer and closer, they saw that the thin cloud patterns embroidered on the corners of their clothes were the symbol of the Xuan Gang Sect.

"You are so brave, you dare to attack my Xuan Gang Sect disciple, oh no, you are using your mouth!" Fang Tianyou immediately perked up, looked at the vague beast shadow behind several people, roared loudly, drew out his long sword and rushed towards Go up.

To be able to scare several Xuan Gang Sect disciples of the eighth and ninth grades of the Heavenly Sage to such an extent, that monster must be unusual. Thinking that Fang Tianyou had just returned to his soul, it was not known whether there were any sequelae. Gu Fenghua and the others did not know. If you dare to be careless, follow closely.

Those people's faces were pale and sweating profusely. They were obviously very tired. They were struggling to hold on with just one breath. They were all overjoyed to see someone coming to save them.

At this moment, the monster behind him suddenly jumped up high and swung its claws forward. The young Holy Master running at the back screamed "Ah", stumbled and fell to the ground. Then, he saw the monster swooping down in the air, opening its bloody mouth, revealing its fangs as cold as swords, and biting his throat.

"Junior brother." Hearing his fallen figure, the two Xuangang Sect disciples in front turned their heads and looked back. Seeing this scene, they were frightened out of their wits and let out a shrill scream.

The Xuangang Sect disciple who fell to the ground was so frightened that his whole body was shaking and he couldn't even scream. He could only open his helpless eyes and wait for death to come.

"Seeking death!" At the critical moment, Fang Tianyou finally arrived and slashed at the monster with his sword.

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