My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5152 5152 all hate it deeply

Even though he was crying profusely just now, with no traces of tears on his face, in front of his disciples, Fang Tianyou refused to let go of the majesty of the young sect master. This sword was as majestic and domineering as a rainbow, knocking him to the sword. Pin's strength was displayed to its fullest, which made Gu Fenghua nod secretly.

Fourth grade Emperor Saint! Seeing the four golden holy beads between Fang Tianyou's eyebrows flying past, the two already desperate Xuan Gang Sect disciples' eyes lit up and they cheered at the same time.

Compared to humans, monsters have a keener sense of danger. When they heard the murderous sword roar, they knew something was wrong, so they jumped up and swung out both claws at the same time.

"Qiang..." The long sword filled with powerful holy energy struck the pair of beast claws, making a crisp sound of gold and iron, and a string of sparks colliding with it.

The demonic beast was knocked back a few steps, lowered its body, bared its teeth at Fang Tianyou, and let out a low roar in its throat. It looked like it was unscathed.

"Eh!" Fang Tianyou was surprised when he saw this scene. He lowered his head and looked at the long sword in his hand, as if he couldn't believe it.

You must know that the sword in his hand is the ancestral treasure of the Fang family, and it is also one of the top ten divine swords in Tianji Continent. Even if it is placed in Wuji Holy Heaven, it will definitely be called a famous sword of the generation. The powerful Holy Qi of the Fourth Grade Emperor Saint was injected into it without any reservation, but it was not able to harm the monster at all. How is this possible?

Not only Fang Tianyou, but also Luo Enen and Ye Wuse found it a bit incredible.

"Blood Claw Devil Dog!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly said.

Blood Claw Demon Dog! Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen and others were slightly startled and looked towards the monster beast.

The monster is less than half a foot long and about three feet tall. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the ice wolf, wind wolf and other wolf monsters. However, upon closer inspection, although its appearance is as ferocious as the wolf monster, it is even more ferocious. It is ferocious, but its fangs are not that sharp, and a pair of sharp claws that seem to have been soaked in blood are sharper than ordinary wolf monsters.

Sure enough, this is the legendary Bloodclaw Demon Dog.

In nature, canine monsters are actually extremely rare. After all, compared with other monsters, their claws and teeth are not sharp, and their strength and speed are at a disadvantage. Instead, they are more suitable for ordinary people to guard their homes and homes, or as pets. However, the Blood Claw Devil Dog is an alien species.

Their pair of canine claws are naturally much sharper than other dogs, and in the process of hunting prey, they can absorb the power of demon spirits from the opponent's blood, constantly sharpening the canine claws. As their strength increases, Its sharpness is getting stronger and stronger, and in the end, it is not even weaker than any top monster. This can also be regarded as their innate magical power.

However, such innate magical powers also determine that the blood claw demon dogs in their infancy are not very powerful. At most, they are just more powerful than ordinary domestic dogs. If they want to hunt prey and absorb the power of demon spirits from their blood, they You can only attack the cubs. As we all know, all monsters take very strict care of their cubs. Even human saint masters have difficulty finding suitable cubs to tame as monster pets, but the Blood Claw Devil Dog can succeed time and time again.

There is no way, the intelligence of domestic dogs is far stronger than that of ordinary beasts. The blood-clawed devil dog, which is among the monsters, is many times more cunning than ordinary monsters. No matter how well other monsters defend themselves, they will always let them in the end. Find opportunities to get what you want. They will even take advantage of the mother's weakest moment when other monsters are giving birth to kill the newly born or even unborn cubs.

Because of this despicable and cruel nature, not only the major monster races hate the Blood Claw Demon Dog, but also humans hate it deeply.

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