My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5153 5153An unexpected scene happened

But even so, the Blood Claw Devil Dog still relies on its cunning, cruelty and tenacity to survive, becoming the nightmare of countless monsters. As its strength continues to increase, its blood claws become sharper and sharper, its temperament becomes more and more cunning, and its killing methods become more and more bloody and cruel. Even many top monsters have to give in. Abandon.

Fortunately, compared with other monsters, the growth of the blood-clawed demon dog is still too difficult, so it is extremely rare. Although Gu Fenghua and others have heard of its name for a long time, it was not until today that they saw it for the first time.

Opposite, the blood-clawed demon dog was half-bent, and when he looked carefully, he saw that the pair of bloody claws were unscathed.

Luo Enen and others couldn't help but secretly marvel. You must know that the long sword in Fang Tianyou's hand is also one of the top ten divine swords in Wuji Holy Heaven. With the powerful holy energy of the fourth grade of God, it can be called a magic weapon even if it is placed in Wuji Holy Heaven. Unexpectedly, even this can't hurt it. The Blood Claw Devil Dog really deserves its reputation.

Although the training of monster beasts is different from that of humans, the exact strength of this blood-clawed demon dog cannot be seen. However, the monster that could block Fang Tianyou's sword just now was still a tenth-level monster. Even with the help of the pair of blood claws that were as sharp as fine gold and mithril, it was probably equivalent to the third-level Emperor Saint.

"You actually dare to run wild in our Beiyuan City and seek death!" Fang Tianyou didn't think much about it. He swung his long sword and slashed the blood-clawed demon dog headlong.

The dignified young master of Xuangang Sect took action in person, but failed to avenge the blood of his disciples. This made him feel very shameless. This sword directly used his unique skill.

"Feng Yun, Qian Zhong!" At the same time as the long sword struck out, he let out a roar.

Xinghua Temple was created by Feng Zigu, and Feng Zigu was a direct disciple of Ye Lishang, a peerless powerhouse. He only left because he was frustrated by a sudden attack and misunderstood Tantai Yunsu. Tianji Continent. Therefore, like Fatty Bai's "Beidou Tyrant" and Ye Wuse's "Holy Soul Tianpo", Fang Tianyou's "Thousand-Sword of Wind and Cloud" is a rare swordsmanship even if placed in Wuji Holy Heaven.

For this reason, none of them changed to other swordsmanship after arriving at Wuji Holy Heaven. Only Luo Enen learned the "Nine Heavens Fantasy Thunder Sword", but also integrated the original Sky-breaking and Wave-breaking Sword into it.

With one strike of the sword, the clouds rise and the waves pile up a thousand times!

"Ouch..." The blood-clawed demon dog was unfazed, let out a dull roar, and rushed straight towards Fang Tianyou.

Its eyes turned red, revealing a heart-stopping bloodthirsty murderous intent, and its pair of sharp claws became even more vivid, as if they had just been fished out of a pool of blood. It can be seen that although the sword just did not hurt it, it also aroused the ferocity in its nature.

"Well done!" Fang Tianyou sneered, displaying his arrogance as a young sect leader, and injected the holy energy into the long sword without any reservation. The sword light like clouds and waves seemed to have substance, and it moved towards the blood-clawed demon dog. poured out.

Fast, whether Fang Tianyou's sword or the blood-clawed demon dog's attack, it was extremely fast. In the flash of lightning, the overlapping sword light and the blood-clawed demon dog met in the air, and they were about to collide fiercely. However, a scene that surprised everyone happened.

The blood-clawed demon dog's body sank suddenly, as if its body was broken from the middle, and it changed direction unbelievably and pounced in the air. The target was the Xuangang Sect disciple who was injured and fell to the ground.

Just seeing the blood-clawed demon dog's ferocious appearance showing murderous intent, everyone thought it would become fierce and fight Fang Tianyou head-on, but no one expected that it would suddenly change its target. No one thought that under such circumstances, it could actually change direction.

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