Fang Tianyou slashed into the air with his sword, and watched helplessly as the solid sword light passed over the blood-clawed demon dog's head. A sneer froze on his face, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Be careful!" The other two Xuan Gang Sect disciples, their faces turned pale with fright, exclaimed at the same time.

They had just thought that this blood-clawed demon dog would fight Fang Tianyou head-on, and they all breathed a long sigh of relief. Although they still didn't know Fang Tianyou's origin, they could clearly see the cultivation level of the fourth-grade Emperor Saint. Chu. No matter how powerful this blood-clawed demon dog is, it will never be able to take advantage of a strong man of the fourth level of Emperor Saint.

It should be said that their idea is correct. Since that catastrophe, those powerful monster races have either become extinct or left. The entire Wuji Holy Heaven, including Tianji Continent, is the world of humans. Monsters that can compete with strong human beings like the Fourth Grade Emperor Saint There are indeed not many beasts, and although the Blood Claw Devil Dog is notorious, it really can't take any advantage against such a strong man.

However, they forgot the most important point. The reason why the Blood Claw Devil Dog has survived to this day is not only its strength, but also its cunning nature. Therefore, seeing the power of Fang Tianyou's blessing, it decisively changed its goal - to bully the weak and fear the evil. This was originally the way for the Blood Claw Demon Dog to survive.

The body flew down like an arrow from a string, and the pair of bloody claws that looked like tempered steel stabbed towards the heart of the injured Xuangang Sect disciple again. As a monster known for its cruelty and cunning, it not only knows the fatal weaknesses of many monster races, but also knows the most fatal weaknesses of human saint masters.

"Ah..." The disciple was already exhausted and had just been scratched by the blood-clawed demon dog. He was unable to dodge and could only let out a desperate scream.

Fang Tianyou finally woke up and wanted to save him, but in order to show off the prestige of the young sect leader, he used all his strength on the sword just now, and he had no time to sheath the sword at this time. Not to mention him, even Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Liu Sanjue were caught off guard.

At the critical moment, I saw a figure flashing like lightning, blocking the way of the Xuan Gang Sect disciple, and another cold sword light, like the brightest star in the night sky, aimed at the blood with precision and ruthlessness. The clawed demon dog's throat was stabbed.

The person standing in front of the Xuangang Sect disciple was of course Gu Fenghua. Compared with the others, she was not only stronger, but also had stronger spiritual thoughts, so she had the fastest reaction. The other person who took action was Ye Wuse. Among the people, his spiritual consciousness was second only to Gu Fenghua. Although his reaction was a little slower than hers, the speed of his action was not much inferior.

"Emperor Saint Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade!" Next to them, two Xuangang Sect disciples exclaimed again.

I thought that Fang Tianyou's fourth-grade Emperor Saint was strong enough, but I didn't expect that his companions were even stronger.

Although Wuji Holy Heaven has never lacked geniuses, they had never even heard of such a young Emperor Saint, sixth or seventh grade, let alone met him. Looking at Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse, who were both stunningly beautiful and handsome but also terrifyingly young, and then looked at the golden holy beads between their eyebrows, they almost couldn't believe their eyes.

The Blood Claw Devil Dog obviously did not expect that the opponent would have such a strong person. In an instant, all the hair on his body stood on end. He did not care about the injured Xuan Gang Sect disciple and hurriedly backed away.

However, facing such a strong person, it is not that easy to retreat.

Gu Fenghua's sword flashed across and struck heavily on the Bloodclaw Demon Dog's shoulder. Blood spilled wildly, leaving a deep scar visible on the bone. One front paw was almost broken at shoulder level.

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