My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5176 5176 came suddenly and left even more suddenly

"You probably haven't seen their monster clearly yet," Zhong Wendao said.

"Isn't it just a sky-swallowing crocodile? What's so special about it?" the young man said.

"That's not a sky-swallowing crocodile, but a ghost dragon. If I'm not mistaken, it's still a ghost dragon demon soul." The old man said.

"Ghost dragon...demon soul!" The young man exclaimed, swallowing hard in the middle. Obviously he knows how powerful the ghost dragon is, and he also knows how terrifying it is when the body is destroyed and only the demon soul is left.

"Even if it's a ghost dragon, Master may not be able to deal with it." After a moment of silence, the young man said unconvincedly, but he obviously lacked confidence.

"So what if we can handle it? Is it necessary? Don't forget why we came to the far north ice field?" Zhong Wendao scolded, his tone much stronger.

At this moment, the young man fell completely silent and said nothing more.

The few people arrived suddenly and left even more suddenly, and the questions they asked were a bit inexplicable. But as he watched them leave, Gu Fenghua's face did not have the slightest doubt, and his expression became serious instead.

From last night to now, this is the third group of people they have encountered. Although everyone just met each other, exchanged a few polite words, and left without even speaking a word, looking at each other for a few moments, Gu Fenghua could still see deep wariness in each other's eyes.

If you come to the Arctic Icefield at this time, you don’t need to guess why. Gu Fenghua believed that the reason why these troops came and went in such a hurry and did not take action against them was just because they had not yet found the ancient ruins. If they found them, it would inevitably be a life-and-death struggle.

She is not afraid of fighting with these people, but don't forget that in addition to holy sects like the Qianjun Sect who just left, there are also strong men like Li Lie.

Although Li Lie did not report the origin of his apprenticeship, Gu Fenghua still had some vague guesses about his identity: He was the eighth-grade Emperor Saint. It is difficult for ordinary Saint sects to have such a strong person. It is very likely that he was a disciple of the emperor. .

Gu Fenghua could ignore the Holy Sects of Lingji Realm, but he could never ignore the power of the envoys.

Looking at the depths of the far north ice sheet - the direction where Zhong Wendao and others were leaving, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"The direction is right, let's go." Fortunately, Guijiao didn't make her wait any longer, and got up again after a while. Knowing what Gu Fenghua was worried about, it jumped into the air and flew in the direction where Zhong Wendao and others left, but the direction was slightly off.

The far north ice sheet is vast and vast. If you continue to fly in this direction, of course it will not be a slight deviation in the end.

Gu Fenghua and others did not dare to delay and quickly chased after him.

"Hey, where are the people? Where have they gone?" Zhong Lingxiu, Zhong Lingjun and Fu Qingjiang pushed open the gate of Xuangang Sect, City Lord's Mansion, and looked at the empty courtyard with surprised expressions.

Knowing that Gu Fenghua and the others reunited with Fang Tianyou's old friends, they must have a lot to say. They rarely come to disturb them recently, and occasionally they come to chat for a few words before leaving. Unexpectedly, when they came today, they didn't see a single person.

"Fenghua and the others went to the Far North Icefield." Lu Changsheng's voice sounded from behind.

Zhu Tongfang had already guessed Zhong Lingxiu's identity, and of course he would not hide it from him, so he did not dare to neglect the distinguished guest, and would go over to meet him from time to time, and it was the same today. As a result, before arriving at the guest house, they saw Zhong Lingxiu and others in a daze at the door of the city lord's mansion.

"The Far North Icefield?" Zhong Lingxiu was even more surprised when she heard that Gu Fenghua and others went to the Far North Icefield without saying a word.

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