My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5177 What 5177 was worried about still happened.

"One of their friends may be in the far north ice field, and it may be in some danger, so they rushed to save people and didn't have time to say hello to you." Lu Changsheng explained to Gu Fenghua.

This is also true. Gu Fenghua and others are only thinking about Xie Youran's safety, so they can't care about Zhong Lingxiu. But regarding the secret of the ancient ruins, Lu Changsheng didn't say much else.

"I'll go take a look too." Zhong Lingxiu didn't ask any more questions, flew up and chased outside the city.

Lu Changsheng hadn't even decided whether to persuade him or not. Zhong Lingxiu's figure was already more than ten feet away, and now it was too late to persuade him.

"Sister, they are looking for friends, what are you doing?" Zhong Lingjun shouted inexplicably.

"You stay and wait for me. If I haven't come back after one month, you can go back by yourself." Zhong Lingxiu did not answer, but gave a simple and clear instruction. After saying that, the man had already flown out of the city gate and headed towards the far north ice field.

Zhong Lingjun chased for a few steps and then stopped helplessly. The gap in strength is too big, even if you want to catch up, you can't catch up.

At the same time, powerful men from the major holy sects in the Spirit Realm also rushed to Beiyuan City, but they did not enter the city. Instead, they headed to the Extreme North Icefield as quickly as possible.

What Gu Fenghua was worried about actually happened.

Three days passed by in a hurry, and at dusk, Gu Fenghua and his party floated down again with the ghost dragon.

The cold wind howled, and thin ice crystals hit my face with a biting chill.

Although according to Luo Enen, the route of the ghost dragon was actually going in a circle, but it took two days to fly north, half a day to the west, and only half a day to the south. The circle was not very big, so They have now penetrated deep into the Arctic ice sheet, and the climate is even colder.

In order to save the holy energy along the way, they increased their speed to the extreme. No one dared to condense the shield. They just accelerated the holy energy in their bodies to resist the severe cold. At this time, their hair, eyebrows, and even eyelashes were covered with a thick layer of frost. .

As soon as it landed on the ground, Gui Jiao lay down on the ground skillfully, raised his head skillfully and looked around.

"Are you there yet?" Lorne asked breathlessly.

Although with their current level of cultivation, this bit of coldness was nothing, but for three whole days they spent all their energy walking against the wind. Except for occasionally taking advantage of the ghost dragon's ability to discern the direction, there was nothing decent at all. During the rest period, the holy energy in her body was rapidly depleted, and she could no longer hold on.

Gui Jiao didn't answer, but just turned his head desperately, with a look of deep doubt in his eyes, and at the same time, there was a bit of confusion unique to Lu Chi.

"It's strange. I remember it was from here. Why is it completely different from before?" After a while, Gui Jiao raised his head and said doubtfully.

"Are you sure this is here? Did you remember it wrong?" Luo Enen asked suspiciously.

With difficulty, she gathered her thoughts and explored the surroundings, but she didn't find anything strange.

Let alone her, even Gu Fenghua didn't feel the strange energy in the Blue Blood Pill Heart Sword, and he was as suspicious as Luo Enen.

"No, it must be here. I remember back then, when I was chased by that Holy Sect, I didn't have a chance to breathe for a moment along the way. It was only when I got here that I finally avoided them temporarily and had a chance to recuperate for a few days. If not, how could I have saved my life, how could I have found the Dragon Spirit Grass and the Green Snow Emperor Lotus, and how would I have had the chance to take revenge. It was a pity that I was unlucky, and before I had time to take revenge, I met Gongye Longzhu again. That old guy..." Guijiao said with certainty, and after that, he explained the reason why he was so sure. As he spoke, his chatterbox broke out, and he began to wipe his eyes and complain sadly.

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