My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5178 5178 Ghost Jiao is originally a road fool.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Take a closer look. Is this really here?" Gu Fenghua rubbed his ears and interrupted Guijiao's chatter.

I have been listening to his ramblings for the past few days. I was quite sympathetic at first, but later my ears almost felt calloused, and Gu Fenghua gradually became numb.

"Oh." Gui Jiao quickly lay down on the ground, his big head turning violently again.

"It doesn't make sense. It should be here, but why is it wrong?" After a while, Gui Jiao raised his head again, his eyes even more blank.

"If you think about it again, did you remember it wrong? Apart from here, have you stayed anywhere else?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but said suspiciously.

"As for other places, there are still a few. How about we go there and have a look?" In a daze, Gui Jiao also doubted his own memory.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua said without hesitation.

Gui Jiao was originally a road idiot, and it had been tens of thousands of years. It was normal for her memory to have deviations, so she didn't blame it. Besides, it tried its best. The big head shook and shook, but fortunately it was just a demon soul. If the body was not destroyed, most of the necks would be broken by such shaking.

"How far is it?" Lorne asked.

"The nearest one will take about half a month, but it's much easier to find." Gui Jiao said.

"Half a month!" Luo Enen exclaimed.

In her current situation, it would be strange for her to be able to hold on to the wind for a day or two without stopping, but to die from exhaustion for half a month.

Gui Jiao also looked at Gu Fenghua with a bitter look on his face. He was a demon soul, and he was cultivating the power of demon spirits even more slowly. His ability to persist until now was already the limit.

"Otherwise, we'd better take the Yundu Feizhou over there." Gu Fenghua said. Compared to others, she had five innate Holy Spirit roots and her recovery speed was much faster, but she was also exhausted.

"Ah!" Luo Enen and Fatty Bai exclaimed at the same time.

Although they gradually got used to vomiting and vomiting, and eventually they didn't vomit so much anymore, they still had a look of horror on their faces when they thought of flying across the clouds.

"Okay, okay, those places are much easier to find, and taking a flying boat across the clouds would be the best." Guijiao was overjoyed and said hello.

Monsters are monsters, especially monsters like ghost dragons. Their concentration and endurance are far superior to humans. Even the most common crocodile monsters can lie in one place like a stone for several days without moving, let alone ghosts. Jiao. Therefore, let alone the world turning upside down, even if the world is turned upside down, it is probably nothing to the ghost dragon with its amazing concentration.

But the problem is, you are a monster and we are not! Luo Enen and Fatty Bai all glared at Guijiao fiercely.

"If Youran really stays in the ancient ruins and lets others find it first, life or death may be unpredictable." Gu Fenghua ignored Gui Jiao and just looked at Luo Enen and the others, saying worriedly.

Luo Enen and others were shocked at the same time. Yes, in the past few days, they have seen many powerful figures from the Holy Sect one after another, and behind them, there may be the shadow of the envoy. If they are allowed to find the ancient ruins first, Xie Youran Being stuck in it again... No matter how he survived before, there is absolutely no chance of survival again.

Others have worked hard to find ancient ruins and risked their lives to enter them. If there is a good opportunity, it would not be surprising for fellow sects to kill each other. How can they show mercy to an outsider?

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