My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5194 5194 Unfortunately, they thought wrong

The Red-Blooded Demonic Mastiff was swaying, and it was clear that it had not yet come to its senses. This was the best opportunity for the Ghost Dragon to take action! Gu Fenghua put away his sword and began to concentrate his spiritual thoughts, preparing to make hand seals. After all, the ghost dragon demon spirit has not fully recovered from the heavy damage, and the red-blooded demon mastiff is at its most ferocious. She doesn't want to see any accidents happen to the ghost dragon. She still needs her help at the critical moment.

However, when Gu Fenghua was confused, Gui Jiao did not rush to take action. He just lurked quietly behind the boulder and stared at the red-blooded demon mastiff in front of him without blinking.

The Red-Blooded Demonic Mastiff did not notice the presence of the ghost dragon at all. He shook his head vigorously, and his swaying figure quickly stabilized.

What is this guy doing, missing such a great opportunity! Gu Fenghua was anxious and angry, and at the same time, he was even more confused.

"Gu Fenghua, I admit defeat. The previous grievances have been wiped out. I apologize to you and admit my mistake." Seeing that Gu Fenghua presented the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map and did not kill his demon pet, Chu Qingxuan was startled at first, but was delighted. Ruo Kuang shouted to Gu Fenghua with tears streaming down his face.

She didn't know that the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map was not sacrificed by Gu Fenghua on his own initiative, but by Gui Jiao himself.

"Wait a minute, don't be in a hurry." Gu Fenghua said. She also wanted to see what tricks Guijiao wanted to play. How could she give up so early.

Anyway, the red-blooded demon mastiff is trapped in the Bahuang Demon Map. As long as she doesn't do it herself, the ghost dragon shouldn't hurt it. Besides, with the ghost dragon's current weak state, it will probably be difficult to hurt it.

Chu Qingxuan was worried about the safety of the Red-Blooded Demonic Mastiff, so she naturally refused to give up easily and even asked for help. However, looking at the seven golden holy beads between Gu Fenghua's eyebrows, she swallowed the words with difficulty.

With Gu Fenghua's strength, if he had murderous intentions just now, the Red Blood Demon Mastiff would definitely die, and even the master would not have time to stop him. Since she didn't kill her, but sacrificed this magic weapon, she naturally had no intention of harming the Red Blood Demon Mastiff's life. If he unknowingly offends her, the Red Blood Demon Mastiff's life will really be in danger.

If possible, she would have wanted to take the red-blooded demon mastiff back to the demon pet's space, but using her divine sense, she discovered that all the contractual connections between herself and the demon pet had been severed.

In the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map, the red-blooded demon mastiff is still roaring loudly. It seems to have recovered a little bit of spiritual intelligence, or maybe a little bit of the monster's instinct for danger. It is looking around blankly, probably looking for a way out. .

Opportunity, before it wakes up, this is the best opportunity to take action. Luo Enen and others all looked towards the ghost dragon, but the guy still lay motionless on the spot, only cautiously exposing his two eyes and looking out.

What the hell is this guy doing? At this time, not only Gu Fenghua, but also Luo Enen and others were confused. Even Chu Qingxuan was a little confused.

"Roar..." Suddenly, the ghost dragon let out a low roar.

Take action, this guy finally takes action... Oh no, it should be using his claws, or rather using his mouth! Gu Fenghua and others were all refreshed.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. The ghost dragon did indeed move, but it did not move its claws. It was true that it moved its mouth - while roaring out that voice, it quickly moved its body, wagging its tail close to the ground and hid behind another boulder.

"Ouch..." Hearing the roar of the ghost dragon, the red-blooded demon mastiff finally regained some intelligence, its eyes burned with blood again, and the mane around its neck stood up straight, and it rushed towards the direction of the roar. go.

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