My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5195 5195 is really too wretched!

"Boom!" The boulder formed by condensing the spiritual power of the magic weapon was stabbed to pieces by the pair of blood-colored fangs made of fine gold, but it quickly condensed into shape again.

The Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff turned around unsteadily and looked at the newly condensed boulder in confusion: It's strange, why is there nothing? What's going on?

With the blood-clawed demon dog's intelligence far surpassing that of ordinary monsters, it could have easily distinguished the illusions in front of it. However, after mutating into the red-blooded demon mastiff, it went crazy and lost all its intelligence. Instead, it lost its due wisdom, leaving only Bloodthirsty nature.

After tilting his head and looking for a long time, the Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff could not find the source of the roar, and his eyes became even more confused.

At this time, the ghost dragon had already hid behind another boulder. He stretched out half of his head secretly, and the two eyes on the top of his head moved around. He let out a low roar, and at the same time, he quickly moved his paws and waggled his tail. , hiding towards another boulder.

The figure looks clumsy, but is actually extremely dexterous. Gu Fenghua and others vaguely understood what this guy wanted to do. This guy is clearly teasing the Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff, trying to drag others down alive by making all kinds of noises.

It should be said that this is also a tactic, a very smart tactic. Considering that the power of the ghost dragon is greatly reduced at this time, using such a tactic is also the smartest decision.

However, when I saw it moving its stubby limbs and its heavy body running fast against the ground, I felt that it was so... so... vulgar, yes, it was vulgar.

It's okay for other lemur-like monsters to play tricks and tricks. It's understandable that monsters like Blood Claw Demon Dogs play tricks and tricks. You, a big and rough guy, why did you follow suit? You're very wretched. Do not you know?

With a loud "boom", the Red-Blooded Demonic Mastiff once again hit the rock formed by the spiritual power of the magical weapon.

This time, before it could stabilize its body, or even wait for the rocks to condense and form, the ghost dragon's low, provocative roar sounded again.

Angry, the Red-Blooded Demon Mastiff was completely enraged by the enemy who didn't know where it was hiding, and its bloodthirsty and violent nature was completely awakened, and it fell completely into madness. It let out a burst of "ouch, ouch, ooh," and rushed towards the direction of the ghost dragon's roar again and again.

In the illusion formed by the Eight Wastelands Demonic Map, landslides and ground shattered and rocks flew. The ghost dragon's bulky figure clung to the ground, sneaking between the dense forest-like boulders, looking more excited than ever before.

It’s vulgar, it’s really vulgar! Seeing its excited expression, Gu Fenghua and others were even more stunned.

In everyone's perception, monsters such as the ghost dragon, which have five major and three ugly faces, are directly linked to violence. Even if the hunting method is a little more insidious, it is still instinct and has nothing to do with cunning.

But at this time, when they saw the sneaky figure of the ghost dragon, they realized that this kind of big and three-thick monster could actually be cunning. It was not only cunning, but also wretched, very wretched.

The full force impact again and again failed, and the power of the demon spirit in the body of the red-blooded demon mastiff quickly passed away, its mane drooped down, and even the blood on its body gradually dissipated.

"Roar..." The ghost dragon's roar sounded again.

Fortunately, this time it was no longer so wretched. It climbed up a boulder, stretched its neck and raised its head to roar to the sky, assuming a domineering posture ready for a final fight.

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