My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5200 5200 doesn’t want to be beaten

However, although they secretly cursed in their hearts, they still did not dare to be careless about Shangguan Haochen's reminder: Your Majesty, you accidentally ate so much, let alone Li Canyang, I believe it was Shangguan who said this. Haochen himself is not that generous and can act as if nothing happened.

"Senior Shangguan, please rest assured, we will be careful." Gu Fenghua and others gathered their energy to transmit the message and said solemnly.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the ice palace.

Although the entire palace is made of ice, it is obviously surrounded by barriers. Looking inside through the thick ice wall, the scenery inside is hazy and impossible to see through. On the majestic palace gate, there is a brand new formation, which is obviously the work of Li Canyang or Nie Shitian, or the two of them worked together.

"Do you want to use formations to break this barrier?" Shangguan Haochen, of course, could also see what Gu Fenghua and others could see. He glanced at the two of them and asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, the leader of the Hanyun Sect is not weak, and none of the other elders and deacons serving the guests are weak, but they were all wiped out in this ancient ruins. I don't know what dangers are hidden in this ice palace. If the barrier is forcibly broken, I'm afraid it will cause some unnecessary trouble." Nie Shitian replied.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but regret. If they had known that Shangguan Haochen would arrive so quickly, they shouldn't have hesitated and just forcefully broke the barrier. Anyway, with the strength of the two of them, even if it is really dangerous, they should be able to handle it.

Li Canyang didn't say anything, but he felt even more regretful: If they had forcefully broken the barrier as soon as they came up, they wouldn't have wasted so much time at all. Perhaps they would have left with a full load before Shangguan Haochen, Gu Fenghua and others arrived. How could this ancient relic be so disgraced? How could it be ridiculed and ridiculed by Shangguan Haochen?

"Well, you are right, you should be more careful." Shangguan Haochen nodded approvingly and said, "Then let's do it."

He said to take action, but he held his hands and stood aside like a supervisor, obviously having no intention of taking action.

Why should we take action and you stand aside and take advantage of it? Just like an overseer, Lord Shengjun is not as grand as you, right? Nie Shitian glanced at Shangguan Haochen full of resentment again, and wanted to say something, but his lips moved and he swallowed the words back. Finally, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, and began to make fingerprints.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is no distinction between the eighteen emperors and envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven. Even if there is some difference in strength between them, it is not too big. Of course, their status is equal. This is indeed the case. Even though Shangguan Haochen is known as the leader of the Eighteen Envoys, his strength is only slightly superior to other envoys, and his status is not superior to them.

But the problem is, on the surface, this guy looks like a noble man from outside the world, but in his nature, he is always willing to take advantage and never suffer any losses. If you argue with him, you will definitely not achieve your goal by arguing with him. give up. If it's just a verbal sparring, that's it. But this guy is not only great at verbal sparring, he's also great at fists. If he can't get past the theory, he'll take action.

It is impossible for the same envoys to fight to the death for a trivial matter, and it is even more impossible for several envoys to join forces to deal with one person. If they did not go too far, the three saints would not be able to let them kill each other. Therefore, Even if you take action, you can only fight alone. Others are recognized as the leader of the Eighteen Lords. Who can be his opponent in a single fight? The final result will of course be a beating.

Nie Shitian didn't want to be beaten, let alone in front of outsiders and disciples, so he had no choice but to endure it.

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