My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5201 5201 Do you still want to be shameless?

"Envoy Haochen, this time it's still the old rule: whoever sees you has a share, no matter what the benefits are, whoever gets it first gets it, right?" Nie Shitian could bear it, but Li Canyang couldn't. Look at Shangguan Hao Chen Na, who was even more arrogant than Shengjun, felt unhappy again and said angrily.

"Yes, we still follow the old rules, but if you want to take the initiative to give me an advantage, you are so familiar with it, I don't think I can give you a chill." Shangguan Haochen said with a smile.

His smile is still so gentle and indifferent, so elegant, but why does it feel so shameless? Gu Fenghua and others decisively withdrew their gaze from his face, not wanting to ruin the good image of Senior Shangguan in their minds.

"Then, why do you let us take action while you watch from the side?" Li Canyang suppressed the anger in his heart and his chest rose and fell sharply: It's a good idea for you to take the initiative to let you take advantage, but why? Because of your big face?

"That's true." Shangguan Haochen thought for a moment, put away his smile, and said seriously, "Otherwise, I have a few descendants here, and you each bring your disciples here, and let them compete again. , whoever loses will come, how about it?"

"Okay." Li Canyang's eyes lit up and he said without hesitation.

Just now, Chu Qingxuan was defeated miserably at the hands of Gu Fenghua, and he even apologized to Gu Fenghua for admitting defeat, which embarrassed him as a master. Although he knew the close relationship between Chu Qingxuan and the demon pet, which seemed to be related by blood, and did not blame her, he still couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

Shangguan Haochen's proposal was exactly what he wanted. If I read it correctly, among his so-called nephews, Gu Fenghua should be the strongest, but he is only the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. In addition to Chu Qingxuan, he also brought Li Lie, who is the eighth-grade Emperor Saint. A strong man of good character. This battle will definitely help him regain his face!

With this thought in his mind, Li Canyang became energetic and energetic.

Li Lie had followed his master for many years and knew what he was thinking. He took the initiative to take a step forward without waiting for his instructions.

"Your name is Li Lie?" Shangguan Haochen glanced at Li Lie and asked.

"Junior Li Lie, I would like to pay my respects to Lord Haochen!" Li Lie bowed and said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"I heard that your cultivation has reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint?" Shangguan Haochen asked again.

"Not bad." Li Lie said respectfully, but there was a proud smile on his face.

"Okay, Fenghua, come on side by side!" After receiving the accurate answer, Shangguan Haochen turned around and said to Gu Fenghua and others.

Side by side! Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others were all stunned.

Just seeing Shangguan Haochen's serious look, everyone thought that Gu Fenghua and Li Lie would make up for the interrupted battle last time. Although they knew that it would not be too difficult for Gu Fenghua to defeat the enemy by leapfrogging, but think about it They were still a little worried about the eighth-level cultivation of Emperor Li Lie, but they didn't expect that Shangguan Haochen was talking about going shoulder to shoulder.

"Uh..." Li Canyang also looked blank.

Li Lie himself was stunned, and the proud smile froze on his face.

"Hurry up and hurry up." Shangguan Haochen urged again before everyone could recover.

"Shangguan Haochen, are you still shameless?" Li Canyang finally came to his senses and cursed angrily.

"Who says I'm shameless? I'll give you another chance: either fight him alone and fight them alone; or fight in a group and fight him alone. You can choose for yourself." Shangguan Haochen stood proudly , that elegant and handsome face full of the unique charm of a mature old man is full of righteousness.

That's bullshit. One person is singled out against a group of people. After all, isn't it the case that a group of them beat him up in a group? Li Canyang was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

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