My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5210 5210 I never dreamed of it

"Hoo!" The giant sword in his hand was slashed out again, and there was a harsh sound of wind.

Both the speed and the power of the sword are doubled. With one strike of the sword, the light was distorted and even the space was torn apart.

Self-destructing weapon! Gu Fenghua's heart trembled.

Just like a human saint master can forcibly increase his strength through self-destruction of essence and blood, self-destruction of holy beads, or even self-destruction of soul, and perish together with his opponent. The weapon refiner can also forcibly increase the power of the artifact by self-destructing its spirit.

However, no matter what level of attainment one has reached, it is not that easy to refine a true artifact. Most of the time, you need not only strength, but also opportunity. In order to finally refine an artifact, in addition to strength and opportunity, you also need to find a suitable demon soul to refine it into an artifact spirit.

Therefore, even a supreme weapon master like Qi Jun cannot refine a few real artifacts in his life. Every time he refines one, he is a lifelong pride, even more important than life.

These Sacred Heart puppets refined by Fulong Xin may be very different from the traditional artifacts, but no matter from which point of view, they are not much different from the real artifacts. Otherwise, it would be impossible to resist the three kings. Make it so long. In order to refine these Sacred Heart puppets, he spent tens of thousands of years and put in an unknown amount of effort.

Gu Fenghua never dreamed that he would be willing to self-destruct the divine weapon spirit!

Shangguan Haochen and others also did not expect that Fulong Xin would self-destruct the puppet weapon spirit. Facing the sudden and exponential increase in strength of the Sacred Heart Puppet, they were all caught off guard.

In the blink of an eye, six giant-like Sacred Heart puppets soared into the sky and stood in front of them. The huge sword struck down on their heads with the power of thunder and the force of breaking the sky.

Ninth Grade Emperor Saint, the pinnacle! The power in that sword has actually reached the peak of the Ninth Grade Emperor Saint. It may be slightly inferior to them, but it's not much different. Although the subtle changes in the sword are slightly lacking, they are fully compensated for by the exponentially increased speed.

If it were one-on-one, there would be no need to worry if Shangguan Haochen and the others could defeat the strong and confront the strong. But at this time, each of them had to face not one, but two Sacred Heart puppets.

In desperation, several people could only stop and wave their swords again.

"Boom!" The ancient divine sword and the huge long sword were slashing in the air, and an earth-shaking loud noise sounded at the same time.

The six Sacred Heart puppets were knocked to the ground and took a few steps back. The huge swords showed cracks. The boss Haochen, Li Canyang, and Nie Shitian only had a flash of figure.

The envoy is the envoy. Even if Fulongxin detonates the weapon spirit and greatly enhances the strength of the Sacred Heart puppet, they still have the absolute upper hand with this sword. However, the expressions of several people are not at all relaxed. Because before they could stabilize themselves, the six Sacred Heart puppets rushed towards them again.

Without hesitation, the three of them raised their swords and slashed again.

There was another loud noise, silver light burst out in front of the eyes, and the long swords in the hands of the six Sacred Heart puppets shattered at the same time, turning into a shower of silver stars. However, this failed to stop their offensive. Just as the sword shattered, they clenched their fists and charged towards the three envoys.

For a holy master, the purpose of using a sword is to bring out the maximum power of the holy energy. After all, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it is still a body of flesh and blood. When the holy energy reaches a certain speed, it is no longer something that the flesh and blood body can bear. . But the Sacred Heart Puppet is obviously different. They are made of fine gold and mithril. No matter how powerful the weapon spirit is, there will never be a situation where the body cannot bear it. Using a long sword is just because the weapon spirit is made of It was refined from the souls of Saint Masters, and what these Saint Masters were best at during their lifetimes was sword skills.

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