My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5211 5211Do they have enough time?

In other words, even without the long sword, they just can't display exquisite sword skills, and the power of their fists has not changed in any way.

"Pah, pah, pah!" Giant fists made of pure gold blasted out like meteors. The air was extremely compressed, making a burst of explosions.

Although there is no long sword, don't forget that the Holy Master is only the best at sword skills, not the fists and feet. In fact, if it were not for the inherent limitations of physical strength, the fist and kick skills of most holy masters would not be any weaker than their sword skills. The Sacred Heart Puppet made from fine gold and mithril, coupled with the weapon spirit made from the soul of the Holy Master, obviously overcomes the inherent shortcomings of the human body, and instead brings the fist and kick skills that they could not display to their fullest before.

The pressure brought by this punch is no less than the exquisite sword skill that created the world before.

Shangguan Haochen and others did not dare to neglect. At the same time, they let out a long roar and injected the holy energy into the long sword without any reservation. The ancient sword was suddenly filled with divine light. The huge ice palace trembled violently again, as if surrendering to the tyrannical power of the sword.

At the entrance of the Ice Palace, Gu Fenghua and others involuntarily retreated again, but their backs were already pressed against the wall, where could they retreat to? At this moment, although there was an icy chill coming from the wall, under the tyrannical and even terrifying sword power, a layer of sweat could not help but break out on their bodies.

No, the strength of these envoys is definitely not at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint!

In the power of the sword, Gu Fenghua once again felt the unique Qi of the Heaven and Earth Restriction, and suddenly realized: he still underestimated the strength of the envoy. Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang and Nie Shitian in front of him were definitely not The peak of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint has crossed the limit of cultivation of the Infinite Saint Heaven and reached another realm, so it is not tolerated by heaven and earth. For this reason, they have actually been suppressing cultivation.

Sure enough, as Shangguan Haochen and the other three showed their true strength, the meridians on their fingers holding the sword suddenly appeared, and even thin blood lines appeared on their faces, as if the meridians were about to explode - no, it didn't seem like it , taking a closer look at the exposed fingers and faces of Li Canyang and Nie Shitian, there were actually very fine blood strands oozing out. Only Shangguan Haochen had no blood strands oozing out although his veins were brimming with blood.

This should be where the strength gap between several people lies.

The holy energy that surpassed the ninth level of the Emperor Saint was injected into the divine sword. The ancient sword body trembled and even let out a wail. The strength is so powerful that even the holy swords carried by several envoys cannot withstand it. In addition to the restriction of heaven and earth, this is also one of the reasons why Shangguan Haochen and others deliberately suppress their strength.

Hearing the wail from the long swords in their hands, Shangguan Haochen and others showed a bit of unbearable look in their eyes, but they were still ruthless and struck at the Sacred Heart puppet in front of them with one sword after another.

Sparks flew and golden light bloomed. There were hundreds of deep sword marks on the huge body that was made of fine gold and mithril. One of the Sacred Heart puppets even had his arm cut off by Shangguan Haochen. The spiritual power of the artifact Flying out.

Obviously, with the unreserved full action of the three envoys, these six Sacred Heart puppets will not last long and will soon turn into a pile of scrap metal. In fact, if there is enough time, they can turn these six Sacred Heart puppets into scrap metal without using all their strength. But the question is, do they have enough time?

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