My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5214 5214 No intention of backing down

Because practicing the art of weapon refining requires too much time and energy, and because the art of weapon refining is very different from the way of holy cultivation, throughout the ages, the vast majority of weapon refining masters in the world have not been very advanced. Fulong Xin was able to improve his cultivation to the middle stage of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint while he was practicing hard in the art of weapons. He was truly worthy of being called a genius of the generation.

Seeing Fulong Xin's true strength, Li Lie's expression became more solemn, but there was still no hint of retreat in his eyes.

"Let's go, you are no match for him!" At this moment, Shangguan Haochen suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

"Go, close the barrier!" Li Canyang and Nie Shitian also shouted.

Hearing Shangguan Haochen's words, Li Lie, Chu Qingxuan, Xiang Wushang and others were slightly startled, but did not move.

Although Shangguan Haochen is known as the leader of the Eighteen Envoys, and even his master can only hold back in front of him, they will never abandon their master and escape alone because of his words.

However, when they heard their master's instructions again, several people's hearts moved at the same time.

They all know that with their own strength, they will never be able to stop Fulongxin. If the masters and others are dragged away by the puppets of the Sacred Heart, the artifact will definitely fall into the hands of Fulongxin. By then, Master and the other two envoys will be restrained by the puppets of the Sacred Heart, and they may not be able to keep him.

Instead of doing this, they might as well leave first, close the ice palace and trap Fulong Xin in it. Anyway, with the strength of the master and the other two envoys, even if the Fulongxin artifact is in hand, there is no way to hurt them at all. As long as the other three envoys from the Spiritual Realm and the strong men from various sects arrive, Fulongxin will be unable to fly and will die. undoubtedly!

"Let's go!" Li Lie made a decision immediately and shouted.

Although Chu Qingxuan was young, judging from his previous performance, he was a decisive person, and Xiang Wushang was certainly no exception. He rushed towards the ice palace gate almost as soon as he spoke fiercely.

"It's not that easy to leave!" Fulong Xin's expression changed slightly, and he finally stopped his hand seals, flew up, and rushed towards the door.

He had not been in a hurry to take action against these young juniors before. Firstly, he did not want to waste time, and secondly, he did not take them seriously. Anyway, as long as the artifact was obtained, Shangguan Haochen and others would be in danger, and it would be difficult for them to survive. If he retreats, these young people will die, so why should he bother to do so?

But when he heard the instructions from Shangguan Haochen and others, he also understood what they were planning, and how could he dare to let them out. He didn't think that with the artifact in hand, he would be able to compete with the six great envoys of the Spiritual Realm and the powerful men of various sects.

Li Lie had already expected that Fulong Xin would not let them leave easily, and was already prepared. When he saw this, he strode forward, slightly bent his legs, raised his long sword and struck straight down.

Although he was seriously injured just now, relying on the Tian-level Nine-Yang Emperor Vein Pill that Gu Fenghua personally refined, the wounds in his body healed quickly. Even if he was not fully healed for a while, it had little impact on his strength. The sword is still burning like a raging flame, with majestic momentum.

"I wanted you to live for a while longer, but you are in a hurry to die, so you can't blame me!" Fulong Xin remained unmoved and slashed out with his sword in mid-air.

He had been distracted and made the hand seals just now, but he hadn't been able to put all his effort into it. But now, for fear that Li Lie and the other juniors would spoil the big thing, of course he went out with all his strength and would not hold back any more.

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