My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5215 5215Are these people scared out of their wits?

Xuehan's sword light cut through the flames without any suspense and landed on Li Lie's body.

There was a fierce scream, and blood flew out wildly.

Before the remaining power of the sword light was exhausted, it slashed towards the ice palace gate again. Chu Qingxuan and Xiang Wushang, who had already rushed to the door, were covered by this sword. The door was not fully opened, there was only a gap about a foot wide. It was definitely too late to escape at this time, so the two of them could only raise their swords at the same time.

Not even the Eighth Grade Emperor Saint could stop Fulong Xin's all-out sword strike, let alone the two of them. With a muffled groan, Chu Qingxuan and Xiang Wushang also vomited blood and flew out. Fortunately, the sword's power was only residual, otherwise this sword could have killed both of them.

Before the remaining power of the sword was exhausted, it swept towards Gu Fenghua and others.

"Vulnerable!" Fulong Xin didn't even glance at Chu Qingxuan and the others. With a contemptuous sneer on his face, he also looked at Gu Fenghua and the others, but his eyes suddenly froze.

After hearing the instructions from Shangguan Haochen and others, Li Lie, Chu Qingxuan and others either fled out of the ice palace first, or took the initiative to buy time for their companions, and this girl with a stunningly beautiful face, and her companions But it's not moving at all. What's going on?

Li Lie and Chu Qingxuan hit the ice wall heavily and slipped to the ground. They subconsciously turned their heads and were startled when they saw Gu Fenghua and others staying motionless.

Could it be that, seeing the strength of the ninth-grade Fulongxin Emperor, these people were so frightened that they did not dare to move? But that's not right. Before Shangguan Haochen arrived, they weren't so frightened when they faced their master, right? What on earth are they thinking? Do they still want to fight against Fulong Xin? This is a strong man in the middle stage of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint. Although his strength is still far behind the other emperors and envoys, he can be regarded as one of the top strong men in Wuji Holy Heaven. This is not the way for them to seek death, right?

"Let's go!" Li Lie yelled again, regardless of his previous grudge, struggled to get up, and tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword again.

At this moment, Gu Fenghua and others finally moved, but instead of running away towards the outside of the Ice Palace, they took a step forward at the same time and slashed out with the long swords in their hands.

Five rays of sword light passed in front of him, fused together like water and milk, and then fell towards Fulong Xin head-on.

"Boom" Two sword beams met each other, and there was another loud thundering sound.

Fulong Xin, who was in mid-air, suddenly paused, and then, as if he was hit hard by an invisible big hand, he flew out without any resistance.

"Deng, Deng, Deng..." He flew six or seven feet away before Fulong Xin fell back to the ground. He stumbled back more than a dozen steps before barely regaining his balance. Looking up at Gu Fenghua and the others, his face was full of shock.

Ninth Grade Emperor Saint! How is it possible that the power of their swords actually reaches the ninth level of Emperor Saint!

Next to him, Chu Qingxuan, who was vomiting blood and fell to the ground, and Li Lie, who was struggling to get up and was about to take action again, were also stunned.

How is this possible? Although most of the power of Fulong Xin's sword fell on Li Lie, the other half fell on Chu Qingxuan and Xiang Wushang, and only the last small half struck Gu Fenghua and the others, but with his ninth grade Emperor Saint The mid-term strength and the remaining power of this sword cannot be resisted by the strength of Gu Fenghua, the seventh-grade Emperor Saint. As for Luo Enen and Ye Wuse, judging from the sword strike just now, their strength is indeed not as good as Gu Fenghua. However, when several people joined forces, they not only blocked the remaining power of Fulong Xin's sword, but also directly chopped it away. How did they do it?

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