My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5229 5229 There is still deep regret

With injuries like this, Gu Fenghua and others were obviously unable to take action. The only people they could count on were the three Lord Envoys. Gu Fenghua and others took the holy elixir and desperately used the remaining holy energy to refine the elixir. They looked expectantly towards Shangguan Haochen and the others.

The three emperors and envoys still have the strength to fight again, but after using all their strength just now, whether it is the divine sword in Shangguan Haochen's hand, the sunset bow in Li Canyang's hand, or the Heaven-killing Universe Hammer in Nie Shitian's hand, they have already been destroyed. The cracks are dense and the power is greatly reduced.

The sword light and the divine weapon of destiny bombarded the purple jade gourd again and again, but it only slowed down the speed of the cracks closing. As the man in the gourd made handprints one after another, the cracks were still being repaired and closed.

"Can Yang, you take them away, we will stay behind." Shangguan Haochen made a prompt decision and said to Li Canyang anxiously while slashing out the long sword in his hand.

"You are the strongest among the Eighteen Lords. If you leave, I will stop you." Li Canyang said decisively.

"I'm old and I don't know how long I can live. You go." Shangguan Haochen said.

"I'm not much younger than you, Shi Tian, ​​you go!" Li Canyang shook his head and said to Nie Shitian.

Among the three, Nie Shitian was the youngest.

"Let's go together." Nie Shitian said briefly.

"No!" Shangguan Haochen and Li Canyang said in unison.

"Once the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd reappears in the sky, the Wuji Holy Heaven will definitely bring disaster again. As long as there is a chance, we will never give up." Immediately afterwards, Shangguan Haochen said with a serious face.

Several envoys spoke very fast, but Gu Fenghua could still hear them clearly, and his heart suddenly sank into the ice valley. Even the three emperors and envoys are so desperate, I am afraid that today is really a bad day.

"Ah... this is my artifact, this should be my artifact, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!" At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded.

I saw an old figure jumping up from the ground, roaring crazily, and pounced towards the Jiutian World-Destroying Gourd.

Fulong Xin, this old man is not dead yet!

Everyone was shocked when they saw Fulong Xin's actions. Seeing that his heart had penetrated before, it was obvious that he was not going to die soon. Everyone was too focused on dealing with the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd and no longer bothered to pay attention to him. However, they did not expect that this old man's vitality was so tenacious and that he was not dead after being injured like that.

Shangguan Haochen's sword light and Li Canyang's Nie Shitian's divine weapon continued to blast towards the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd. Although the power was much smaller than before, it was still turbulent like a knife and the wind. Fulong Xin, however, turned a blind eye and allowed the turbulent wind to pass over his body, bringing out a cloud of blood mist. With a few strides, he rushed straight into the weapon fire and made a series of handprints.

A ball of faint blue weapon fire appeared in his chest, burning fiercely, as if his whole body was on fire - no, not as if, but really his whole body was on fire. His flesh and blood, his holy energy, his vitality, and even his soul began to burn. His thin figure quickly became illusory, and then his entire body turned into fire, burning blazingly.

"What I can't get, you can't get it either. Go to hell!" The humanoid weapon fire poured into the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd along the crack that was just a hair away from being completely closed, and at the same time let out a crazy roar.

The roar was full of grief, anger, unwillingness, and deep regret.

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