My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5230 5230 It’s too late to regret now

In fact, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, he discovered this ancient ruins and also discovered the self-made weapon fire of heaven and earth. However, the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd had not yet taken shape at that time, and he did not know what it was. As for the divine weapon, I only know that once it is refined, it will definitely become the best divine weapon in the world - after all, this weapon fire is created by heaven and earth, and the mystery of the tools and principles contained in it is unmatched by human weapon refiners.

As the most outstanding weapon wizard in the history of Wuji Shengtian, he does not covet this artifact. What he wants is the weapon theory in this artifact. He believed that as long as he understood the principles of this weapon, he would be able to become the supreme weapon master in the Wuji Holy Heaven in ancient and modern times, and even surpass the weapon master and take back everything that once belonged to him.

However, if he wanted to understand the principles of weapons, he had to wait until the artifact was refined, so he could only wait. Worried that his presence would affect the weapons of heaven and earth, he did not dare to stay in this ancient ruins. Instead, he traveled around the world in secret, only coming back every thousand years to see if the artifact was finished.

In this way, he waited for thousands of years and finally waited until the artifact was ready. But he didn't expect that when he came to the ancient ruins again, the people of Hanyun Sect happened to discover the existence of this ruins. He was still thinking about killing all the powerful men of Hanyun Sect to keep the secret. Who knew that before he could figure out the result, the entire army of the other party had been wiped out and died miserably under the immense power of the artifact. Only one Luo Luo Yuan Cheng escaped by chance, but died within a few days.

It was only then that he knew that this artifact was actually the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd. If it were anyone else who knew the details of the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd, they would definitely not dare to let this artifact reappear, but he was different. Don't forget, he is the most outstanding weapon wizard in the history of Wuji Holy Sky, and his understanding of artifacts is infinitely better than others.

From the perspective of weapon theory, any magic weapon or artifact is actually not good or evil in itself. Even his Sacred Heart puppet, even if the refining method is harmful to the heavens and is called an evil heretic, it is still the same. There is no distinction between good and evil. Therefore, he believed that as long as he conquered the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd, no matter how terrifying the power of the artifact, it would never harm Wuji Holy Heaven in the slightest.

It wasn't until he was forced to give in by Gu Fenghua and others, and prepared to make a desperate move to collect the Nine-Day World-Destroying Gourd, that he realized that he was wrong. The Nine-Day World-Destroying Gourd actually had an owner. And its owner is the man (spirit) in the gourd - Gu Fenghua and others feel right, that man (spirit) is not the spirit of the artifact, but the master of the artifact.

Only then did Fulong Xin realize that he had made a huge mistake. Now that the artifact has recognized its owner, he certainly cannot conquer it easily. Once the artifact is finally refined, Wuji Holy Heaven will surely face another catastrophe. If he had known this, he should have taken advantage of the opportunity when the artifact had just started to be refined. Destroyed in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it, because the next moment, a huge force came over, directly breaking his heart and blasting him out of the weapon fire.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. Knowing that he was destined to die, he finally realized his conscience and reminded others to flee quickly. However, it’s okay if they don’t know the origin of this artifact. Now that they know it is the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd, how can Shangguan Haochen and others leave?

Seeing that Gu Fenghua and others were seriously injured, Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang, and Nie Xitian, although their injuries were slightly minor, were obviously helpless with the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd, and Fulong Xin was filled with regret.

It's over, completely over! Not even Shangguan Haochen and the others can destroy the Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd. The Wuji Holy Heaven will definitely face another catastrophe. He Fulongxin will also be completely infamy for thousands of years and become the biggest sinner in the history of the Wuji Holy Heaven!

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