My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5244 5244 The old face is also slightly red.

"You don't need to worry too much about this. No matter how strong the magic weapon Daoyun is, it has its limit. It cannot be endless. Moreover, the reason why it can repair itself must also be related to these strange stones from the sky. Now the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd has fallen. In Fenghua's hands, with the power of the Demonic Wood Cauldron, it should be able to destroy it along with Daoyun and the divine soul brand in a while. As long as these extraterrestrial stones are taken away, there should be no more danger." Liu San Said with absolute certainty.

"What this master said is absolutely true. If the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd could repair itself at will, why would there be any need to wait until today? In the past tens of thousands of years, the Wuji Holy Heaven may have been destroyed countless times." Shangguan Haochen said: The man nodded and said.

"By the way, I haven't asked you how to address this master yet?" After saying that, Shangguan Haochen asked Liu Sanjue again.

"Junior Liu Shangyuan." Liu Sanjue just pretended to be a master out of habit. At this time, seeing Shangguan Haochen asking so politely, he immediately sobered up. How dare he act like an outsider in front of the envoy? Not daring to show off his reputation as a master of three arts, he quickly answered respectfully.

"Are you a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect?" Shangguan Haochen asked next.

"Well... yes... it used to be." Liu Sanjue answered vaguely, his old face turning slightly red. Although it has been roughly determined that the accidental injury to the senior brother and the expulsion from the school was actually a frame-up, but being expelled from the school is not a glorious thing after all, so he has the nerve to say more.

"Oh, does Master Liu have something to hide?" Seeing his hesitant look, several envoys looked puzzled.

"This junior committed a big hunt back then. Well, maybe it was a misunderstanding, but he was eventually expelled from the school." Liu San said with no embarrassment.

"It turns out that we have some friendship with the founder of the Jade Cauldron Sect. If you still want to return to the sect, we can intercede on your behalf." Shangguan Haochen said.

Liu Sanjue had done a lot to deal with the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd just now. If he hadn't used the Jade Cauldron at the critical moment to turn the man (spirit) into nothingness, leaving only a mark, even if Gu Fenghua had the Demonic Wood Cauldron , it may not be easy to stop it. So of course they wouldn't refuse if they could help him. To the dignified envoy, this was not a big deal.

"Thank you to the seniors, but I have good intentions. Let the juniors handle this matter on their own." Liu Sanjue declined politely.

To this day, he is still not sure who secretly murdered him back then, but he has speculated that it is the senior brother who was injured at his hands, the current head of the Jade Cauldron Sect, who is the most suspected. If he really guesses correctly, this will no longer be a grudge between the two of them, but it will also be related to the reputation of the Jade Cauldron Sect for tens of thousands of years. The family scandal should not be publicized, and he did not want too many people to know the inside story.

"Okay, then we won't force it. If you need help in the future, just ask." Shangguan Haochen and others more or less guessed what he was thinking, and they didn't force it.

"Junior, thank you so much, your envoys." Liu Sanjue saluted again and said gratefully.

"Fenghua, these fine gold and mithril come from outside the Nine Heavens. You happen to be a weapon refiner, so take them all." Shangguan Haochen said to Gu Fenghua. From the letters written by Zhang Yiyi and Mo Qingqiu, he already knew about Gu Fenghua's proficiency in the art of weapon refining.

"It turns out that Fenghua is proficient in the art of refining weapons, so take all these fine gold and mithril." Although Li Canyang and Nie Shitian didn't know Gu Fenghua well, they certainly wouldn't object after hearing what Shangguan Haochen said.

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