"Then thank you to the seniors. I have some holy elixirs here that I have refined myself. I hope the seniors won't dislike it." When it comes to the life and death of several naughty children, Gu Fenghua won't be pretentious, but he doesn't I was embarrassed to take such a big advantage by myself, so I took out bottles of holy elixirs and said to Shangguan Haochen and others.

"Hahahaha, I heard Yiyi mentioned to Qingqiu a long time ago that your alchemy skills are unparalleled in the world. I just happened to see your alchemy skills." Shangguan Haochen laughed and took a few bottles of holy elixirs.

"We've also seen something." Li Canyang and Nie Shitian also smiled happily.

Speaking of being knowledgeable, I was just being polite to Gu Fenghua back then. However, when they actually took the Holy Pill, their eyes changed at the same time.

Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan, Xuanyou Emperor Spirit Pill, Jiuyang Emperor Meridian Pill... what Gu Fenghua handed over, all of them were not the top emperor grade holy pills, and all of them were heaven level!

They can refine the first two flavors of the Holy Pill, but if they want to refine it to the heaven level, they have to rely on luck. As for the Nine Yang Emperor Meridian Pill, it is difficult for them to refine it, let alone refine it to the heaven level. level.

Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills were so powerful!

Fortunately, these people have lived for such a long time and are used to seeing strong winds and waves. Although they are in a panic inside, they still maintain their usual calm and calm appearance.

Li Lie, Chu Qingxuan, and Xiang Wushang next to them were not as calm as Master. They were all stunned and covered their mouths hard to prevent them from screaming.

Gu Fenghua was used to such surprises, so he didn't think it was a big deal. He handed the holy elixir to a few people and immediately began to collect the strange stones scattered on the ground.

She didn't know which of these extraterrestrial stones would be useful to the naughty children, so she simply threw them all into the demon pet space and waited for them to wake up to choose.

"By the way, Youran, where's Youran?" Luo Enen's scream suddenly sounded.

Turning around, he saw Miss Luo looking around with wide round eyes, her face full of anxiety and uneasiness.

Gu Fenghua and others felt ashamed again, and slapped their foreheads at the same time: To think of Xie Youran only now, Miss Luo's nerve reflex arc seems to be getting longer and longer.

"No need to look for it, Youran is not here." Ye Wuse said in a low voice.

Although the ice palace is large in area, it is so empty that one can see through it at a glance. They have looked around and searched several times, and even concentrated their thoughts to investigate carefully again and again, but they have never been able to find Xie Youran. They can be sure that he is absolutely Not here.

"If it's not here, where will it be?" Luo Enen said worriedly.

"Look for it slowly. The contract with the Blue Blood Pill Heart Sword is still alive. Youran must still be alive. If you look for it slowly, you can always find it." Gu Fenghua was also worried, but he still said comfortingly. Not only to comfort Lorne, but also to comfort myself.

"Fenghua, are you looking for someone?" The worry in Gu Fenghua's eyes could not be hidden from several envoys, and Li Canyang asked proactively.

"It's a friend of ours named Xie Youran, who is also from Tianji Continent. There has been no news for many years. Someone found his sword in this ruins a few days ago." Gu Fenghua answered briefly.

"Leave this matter to us. We will send an order soon to find his whereabouts. As long as Xie Youran is still in the spiritual realm, he can be found no matter what. You don't have to worry." Li Canyang didn't know how to thank him. Gu Fenghua, Wen Fang said cheerfully.

"Then thank you to the seniors." Gu Fenghua said gratefully.

While speaking, she had put away all the strange stones scattered everywhere and threw them into the demon pet space.

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