My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5249 5249 has given up treatment long ago

"Have you forgotten that the reason why the heaven and earth weapon fire condensed on its own is because of the Taoist charm of the Nine Heavens Destroying World Gourd itself? How could it possibly cause any harm to it." This time, before Liu Sanjue could speak, Fatty Bai helped. He replied, looking at Luo Enen with even more contempt.

Of course, Ye Wuse could also think of things that Fatty Bai could think of, and his eyes were equally contemptuous. In fact, among everyone present, except for Luo Enen, there was probably only one Fang Tianyou who couldn't figure out the reason. But God Bless the other party, they had already given up treatment and no longer even had the desire to despise him.

"Then what should we do?" Unfortunately, such contempt has no lethality to Miss Luo. Miss Luo raised her eyebrows, looked back with contempt, and then continued to ask.

"You can't interrupt by force. You have to extinguish the fire of this weapon first." Gu Fenghua said.

"How to destroy it?" Luo Enen asked.

Gu Fenghua didn't answer. She has seen the self-contained formations of heaven and earth before. As long as you spend more time, it is not difficult to break the formation. However, this is the first time she has seen this kind of self-contained weapon fire. In addition to knowing that this weapon fire is related to the Nine Heavens Destruction Gourd, It has something to do with the ritual of the instrument, Taoism and Taoism, but nothing else is known, so how can one know how to extinguish it.

"Fenghua, is there nothing you can do?" Luo Enen couldn't help but asked worriedly after watching Fenghua ponder for a long time, but still didn't say anything.

"I haven't thought about it yet," Gu Fenghua said.

"Are we going to let it continue to be refined like this?" Luo Enen looked worriedly at the huge weapon fire, and then at Xie Youran, who was tightly wrapped in ice and sleeping in the weapon fire, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Maybe it would be good to make a divine weapon. I've never heard of people being able to make a divine weapon. It should be very powerful, right?"

It’s not bad to make a divine weapon... Everyone around was breaking out in cold sweat again: Miss Luo is indeed the mentally powerful Miss Luo. You can even think of such things and you look so excited. Why don’t you put yourself out there? Try to make a magical weapon?

"It would be good if we could really make a divine weapon. Just be afraid..." Halfway through Liu Sanjue's words, he saw that although Gu Fenghua and others tried to keep calm, they couldn't hide the worry in their eyes. He couldn't say anything else. Out.

"What are you afraid of?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing. Let's find a way to extinguish the fire of heaven and earth first." Liu Sanjue said.

The old bastard is being mysterious again! Luo Enen curled her lips and cursed angrily.

"Master Liu, have you thought of a way?" Gu Fenghua asked Liu Sanjue expectantly.

Putting aside Liu Sanjue's own attainments in weaponry, just saying that the Jade Cauldron Sect's tens of thousands of years of heritage is not comparable to her mere ten or twenty years of training. Perhaps this old man will shine again as before, giving A great surprise for her.

"Feng Hua, you think so highly of me. This is the first time I have seen this kind of heaven and earth weapon fire. I can't think of anything to do." Unfortunately, she was destined to be disappointed this time. Seeing the expectation in her eyes, Liu Sanjue smiled with shame.

"Fenghua, if it doesn't work, let's try to rescue Youran first."

"Yes, let's take it one step at a time. We can't really let this weapon fire continue to be refined." Seeing that Liu Sanjue was helpless, Ye Wuse and others could no longer hide their worries and said one after another.

They don't have the nerves as big as Luo Enen, and they can watch Xie Youran being refined into a divine weapon - if you think about it carefully, that is simply impossible. This is a body of flesh and blood, how can it be refined into a divine weapon.

"No!" Gu Fenghua and Liu Sanjue spoke again, firmly opposing.

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