"Then what should we do?" Luo Enen also began to worry. She wasn't really stupid. How could she not hear the meaning behind Liu Sanjue's hesitation? She could think with her toes that if the fire of heaven and earth in front of her continued to burn like this, Xie Youran would definitely be in trouble.

"I have an idea." Shangguan Haochen suddenly said.

"Senior Shangguan, please speak." Gu Fenghua said immediately.

"With the strength of the three of us, we can forcibly extinguish the heaven and earth weapon fire, but he is connected with the heaven and earth weapon fire. Once the weapon fire is extinguished, he is likely to be seriously injured, and his life may not be saved." Shangguan Haochen said.

"Three seniors, just go ahead and do whatever you want, and leave the rest to me." Although Shangguan Haochen didn't speak in detail, Gu Fenghua was overjoyed. As long as the three envoys can forcibly extinguish the fire of heaven and earth, she will have enough confidence to protect Xie Youran's heart and soul. No matter how serious the injury is, there will be no fear of her life. And with her medical skills, if she was just injured, it wouldn't be a big deal at all.

While talking, Gu Fenghua took out the golden needle. Just in case, he took out a few bottles of holy elixirs that could heal wounds, prolong life, solidify vitality and nourish souls, and handed them into the hands of Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai.

The envoys were not sloppy. They were fully prepared for Gu Fenghua. They looked at each other and clapped their hands at the same time without hesitation.

The powerful holy energy of the ninth-level Emperor Saint came out of his palm, but it didn't directly hit the weapon fire, but hit each other heavily.

Seeing the actions of several people, Gu Fenghua and others were shocked.

With the strength of several envoys, how powerful it must be to attack each other with all their strength. Even if it is just the residual power of the shock, it may be enough to cause serious injuries to them. If the strength is lower, they may even be blown to pieces by the residual power and lose their lives. Save.

Subconsciously, everyone was about to fly back, but they immediately realized that Shangguan Haochen and others would never attack them at this time. They must have their own intentions in doing so, so they quickly stopped.

Sure enough, the powerful holy energy from the ninth level of Emperor Saint clashed together, but no earth-shattering loud noise was heard. The six holy energies stirred up and influenced each other, forming a vortex that swept everyone, including the heaven and earth weapon fire. shrouded in it.

The vortex kept spinning, getting faster and faster. Everyone clearly felt that within the vortex, all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was quickly evacuated, and outside the vortex, the omnipresent spiritual energy of heaven and earth was completely isolated by the rapidly rotating holy air vortex.

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize: It turned out that the three Lord Envoys relied on their own powerful holy energy to form a barrier to shield the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the weapon fire.

Without the support of spiritual energy, the fire of heaven and earth will naturally go out. Why didn't I think of such a simple method? Gu Fenghua was a little annoyed, but after a second thought, he was relieved. This method is simple to say, but it is impossible to do it without the strength of the envoy. It is impossible for even an envoy to do it. Even if I think of it, it is completely meaningless.

To elaborate, this method is somewhat similar to the barrier, but maintaining the barrier itself relies on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so no matter how perfect the barrier is, it cannot completely block the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Although the Holy Master's holy energy also comes from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, after being refined by the Holy Master, it is completely different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Only the methods of a few envoys can truly isolate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

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