My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5252 5252 Such words that go against your will

"Master Liu, do you know what's going on?" Gu Fenghua grabbed Liu Sanjue's arm and asked eagerly.

The scene in front of her was so weird that even she had never heard of how a good person could become like this.

"Qi Yin, he was treated as Qi Yin." Liu Sanjue's expression had never been more serious.

"Qiyin?" Everyone showed doubts, including Gu Fenghua and the three envoys. They knew about Dan Yin, but they had never heard of Qi Yin.

"When refining some holy elixirs, it is difficult to refine them into elixirs because the elixir masters themselves are not strong enough, or the elixir recipes themselves are not perfect enough. At this time, other exotic flowers and herbs need to be used as elixir guides. This The exotic flowers and herbs themselves are not used to form elixirs, and are not even medicinal materials at all. However, they can promote the fusion of medicinal properties, or activate the spiritual power of heaven and earth to make holy elixirs.

The same principle applies to the weapon guide. When refining certain artifacts, either because the weapon refiner is not strong enough, or because the weapon is not understood enough, it cannot be refined. At this time, other artifacts can be used as weapon guides to use the spirit of the weapon. Become a matchmaker and eventually refine it into a magical weapon. "Liu Sanjue explained.

"There is such a method of refining weapons. How come we haven't heard of it?" Luo Enen asked in surprise as he looked at Xie Youran who was as translucent as an ice sculpture.

"Because once used as a weapon, the artifact will be completely destroyed. In other words, when one artifact is refined, another artifact will be destroyed at the same time, just like tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall. Which refiner The weapon master would be fussy like this.

Therefore, although as early as in ancient times, some people had speculated on the method of refining artifacts with the help of weapon guides, no one had ever actually used it. Later, this weapon technique was gradually lost. Forget about you guys, if I hadn't seen the record in the sect's secret book, I wouldn't have known that there would be such...such a strange weapon refining method in the world. Liu Sanjue said.

This weird method of sacrificing one artifact to refine another was a bit baffling, and he didn't even know how to describe it.

"You mean, youran, he is dead?" Luo Enen couldn't care less about whether it was strange or not. After hearing Liu Sanjue's words, his expression became even more panicked.

"If the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd is refined, his life will probably be in danger. But since the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd is not completed in the end, he might...maybe be fine." Liu Sanjue glanced at Xie Youran again and said insincerely.

Yes, the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd was not completed in the end, but Xie Youran couldn't be said to be fine no matter what. Even he felt awkward saying such words against his will.

"Fenghua, how is he Youran?" Those who spoke felt awkward, let alone those who listened. Luo Enen ignored Liu Sanjue, turned his head, and asked Fenghua anxiously.

"Fortunately, the soul is not injured, but because the body is a little weak, the soul fell into silence and I am afraid that I may not wake up for a while." Gu Fenghua took back his finger on Xie Youran's veins and said sadly.

Her words were obviously the same as Liu Sanjue's, they were just comfort. At this time, Xie Youran's body was as transparent as an ice sculpture. Even in front of others, it was difficult for others to detect his vitality, and it was not as simple as his body being "a little" weak.

In fact, his essence, blood and vitality were clearly weak to the limit.

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