My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5253 5253 The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment

Looking at the face that was more delicate because of its transparency, Luo Enen and others even had an illusion: this close friend who had shared life and death would melt quietly in the next moment like ice cubes under the scorching sun and disappear silently before their eyes. .

"Fenghua, save Youran, you must save Youran." Even Fang Tianyou could see that Xie Youran's situation was not good, and said to Gu Fenghua almost pleadingly.

"Youran is also my friend. As long as there is a chance, I will try my best to save you." Gu Fenghua said firmly, but there was deep helplessness in his tone.

As long as there is a chance, of course she will try her best to save her, but what if there is no chance at all?

There was dead silence all around, and the atmosphere was so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

"Senior Shangguan, Senior Li, Senior Nie, you must have a way, right? Please save Youran, no matter how high the price is, we will not hesitate." Luo Enen also heard Gu Fenghua's helplessness, Tears finally burst out of his eyes uncontrollably, and he said to Shangguan Haochen and others with desolate eyes.

Now it seems that only a few envoys can possibly save Xie Youran.

"This is the first time we have heard of such a weapon-guiding method. I'm sorry that I can't do anything about it." Shangguan Haochen and Li Canyang looked at each other. They wanted to say a few nice words to forgive the hearts of Gu Fenghua and others. But thinking about it, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the end, he changed his mind and said cruelly.

"You can't even do anything?" Luo Enen asked desperately with tears on her face.

The envoys did not speak, but shook their heads apologetically.

"What about the Holy Lord? The Holy Lord will always find a way, right?" Luo Enen then asked.

Shangguan Haochen and others hesitated for a moment, but finally shook their heads. In the eyes of ordinary people, the three sage monarchs are the masters of the Wuji Holy Heaven, and the monarchs and envoys are inferior. However, as monarchs and envoys, they know that the sage monarchs are humans, not gods, and there are certain things they cannot do. Even the Holy King cannot do it.

"No, there must be a way. Let me think about it, there must be a way." Luo Enen obviously couldn't accept such a result. He murmured to himself, but his tears couldn't stop flowing. Obscene.

Gu Fenghua reached out and took Luo Enen into his arms, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but couldn't say a word. Wet and hot tears also slipped from the corners of the eyes to the cheeks, quickly turning cold, turning into ice beads and falling at the feet, shattering to pieces.

"By the way, are you mistaken? Youran is not a divine weapon. Even if the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd needs a divine weapon as a guide, he is not needed." Luo Enen's mind was in chaos, with strange thoughts coming up one after another. Flashing past quickly, his eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his head and said to Gu Fenghua.

She has always believed in everything Gu Fenghua said, but this time, she really hoped that Gu Fenghua was wrong.

"If I'm not wrong, the Nine Heavens Destroying Gourd uses Youran as its tool, not for itself, but for the divine soul mark." Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua had already thought of what Luo Enen said, and it was all said in one sentence. Broken her last hope.

the more you hope, the harder you fall. Gu Fenghua also understands this truth. Rather than letting Luo Enen suffer more pain because of vague hopes, it is better to let her face reality from the beginning.

"Soul brand?" Luo Enen was confused, and her face was blank after hearing Gu Fenghua's words.

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