My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5261 5261 No, you are having a nightmare

"Can't you wake me up?" Fatty Bai asked anxiously.

"It's a bit difficult." Gu Fenghua said.

Although the ghost dragon whose body was destroyed and only its soul was left is powerful, the speed of absorbing and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is many times slower than that of ordinary monsters. She has tried several times to awaken the ghost dragon with her spiritual thoughts, but she is extremely exhausted. The ghost dragon was completely silent.

"Look at me." Luo Enen came over.

"Do you have any idea?" Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen curiously. You must know that Guijiao has a soul sacrifice contract with her. Even she can't wake this guy up. What can Luo Enen do?

A naughty smile appeared on the corner of Luo Enen's mouth, and he said to the Bahuang Magic Map: "Feng Hua, that guy is so ugly, it makes me heartbroken just looking at it, so it's better to refine it into a weapon spirit. No matter how you look at it, the Sacred Heart Puppet is better than It's much more pleasing to the eye. If I really can't bear it, just let me do it."

"No, sir, no! Father, mother, help me, help me..." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of light from the Demonic Map of Bahuang Town, and a ghost dragon appeared in front of him. He hadn't even opened his eyes yet. When he opened it, he hugged Gu Fenghua's trouser legs fiercely and cried for his father and mother for a while.

The icy cold wind blew in front of them, chilling them to the bone. Gu Fenghua and others were sweating at the same time: Luo Enen's move is so cruel!

"Hey, wake up, wake up first." Gu Fenghua patted Gui Jiao's forehead hard.

Gui Jiao then opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare, with tears streaming down his face, and looked at Gu Fenghua with a blank look on his face.

"Where is Qian Qiuxue?" Gu Fenghua asked bluntly.

"Sir, are you trying to refine me into a weapon spirit?" Gui Jiao didn't answer, but asked cautiously.

"No, you are having a nightmare." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

"I know that I am loyal to you, and I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life and blood for you. How can you be so cruel to me? I am really having a nightmare, a nightmare! Don't worry, sir. I I will definitely help you find Qian Qiuxue, help you break the limits of heaven and earth, break the endless void, and achieve eternal fame!" Gui Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved his big paw and patted his chest to show his loyalty.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will consider making your dream come true." Gu Fenghua said impatiently. When it comes to the word "sweet dream", the tone is especially emphasized.

Before she could finish her words, Gui Jiao dwarfed and fell to the ground with a "thud", his mouth grinning widely, and his head began to rotate rapidly.

As Gui Jiao's head turned, Gu Fenghua and others also looked around, trying to see how the Ghost Jiao clan used to identify directions. Unfortunately, after watching for a long time, everyone was confused and made themselves dizzy.

"Fly forward in this direction. You will pass seven snow-capped mountains and five hot springs and lakes on the way." Finally, before several people fainted, the ghost dragon stopped. As he spoke, he drew a map on the snow.

Gu Fenghua and others watched carefully and memorized the map.

Compared to the last route, this one is much simpler. With this map, you won’t lose your way.

"Have you been flying in this direction?" After writing down the map, Gu Fenghua pointed to the direction marked by the ghost dragon and asked.

"Yes, we will stop when we reach the abyss." Ghost Dragon said.

"Abyss, you mean, Qian Qiuxue is hidden in the abyss." Luo Enen said in surprise.

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