My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5262 5262 Fortunately, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later.

The so-called Heavenly Chasm Abyss is located between the Wuji Holy Sky and the Tianji Continent. It divides the original continent into two. It is full of dangers and dangers. It is said that even the emperor's envoys have difficulty crossing it.

"That's right. Back then, I was chased too closely by that Holy Sect and had no choice but to escape into the abyss. Fortunately, my Guijiao clan originally lived in the swamp abyss, which was somewhat similar to the abyss, so I was lucky enough to save my life. Life, but even so, I still narrowly escaped death.

Fortunately, surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. Not only did I find the legendary Qian Qiu Xue in the abyss of that day, but I also found a Ten Thousand Years Dragon Blood Grass, and my strength has greatly increased since then. With my strength at that time, I could have killed the Holy Sect and avenged them, but it was a pity that I met Gongye Longzhu later. Oh, tell me, why is my life so miserable? It took so much effort to..." Gui Jiao He nodded vigorously and recounted with emotion how he discovered Qian Qiuxue back then. When he talked about his increased strength and revenge, he was very happy. However, when he mentioned Gongye Longzhu, everything was like eggplants beaten by frost. sad.

"Since you discovered Qian Qiuxue, why didn't you take it away by the way?" Gu Fenghua quickly interrupted and asked in confusion when he heard it started talking about its tragic life.

"If I could take it away, of course I would have taken it away long ago, but there is a powerful being next to Qian Qiuxue, how could I dare to do it?" Gui Jiao replied.

"Oh, what powerful existence?" Gu Fenghua asked immediately.

"I don't know either. I remember that I just wanted to get closer and take a look, and a spiritual thought pierced my heart and soul. It scared me so much that my little heart jumped wildly. I almost lost my soul in fright. I didn't dare to look anymore. , quickly left the abyss." Gui Jiao said with lingering fear as he recalled the past. As he spoke, he waved his paws and patted his chest "bang bang bang bang".

Look at the ghost dragon's thick body and limbs, its rock-like thick armor, and its ferocious mouth that opens to reveal two rows of fangs, and look at its expression that makes me really scared, Gu Fenghua Everyone was feeling a chill.

"Okay, you go back and rest." I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore. Gu Fenghua waved his hand and used the fastest speed to send the ghost dragon, which I was so scared of, back to the Bahuang Demonic Map.

Although they didn't ask what the powerful existence was, Gu Fenghua and others had already been mentally prepared: it was definitely not easy to get Qian Qiuxue. If it was so easy, which round would they get? Therefore, they didn't care too much about the powerful existence Gui Jiao mentioned, and they were even less likely to give up because of it.

"Okay, let's go." Gu Fenghua said to Luo Enen and others.

"Just go like this?" Luo Enen looked at the map that had not disappeared on the snow and asked.

Although the route is much simpler this time, it is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from here to the Abyss, which is the edge of the Wuji Holy Heaven. Even if they try their best to fly against the wind, they don't know when they will arrive.

"How else can we get there?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"It's better to take the flying boat across the clouds." Luo Enen hesitated. When she mentioned the Flying Boat, the familiar look of fear appeared in her eyes, but in the end, she gritted her teeth and said resolutely.

"Actually, we practiced pretty well last time. It was just because we were restless that something went wrong. If we try a few more times, there should be no problem." Fatty Bai also said.

"What about you?" Gu Fenghua turned to look at Ye Wuse and Liu Sanjue.

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