My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5263 5263 Impenetrable Forbidden Land

"I have no objection." The two said in unison.

"Okay, then let's take the Yun Feizhou." Gu Fenghua took out the Yun Feizhou from the storage bracelet again.

Opening the door, everyone came up one after another.

Liu Sanjue was last. He could clearly see that when he flew into the cabin, except for Gu Fenghua, everyone else's feet trembled slightly, but their figures were all so upright. Looking from the side, they His eyes were also so firm.

In an instant, Liu Sanjue's eyes became moist.

Although he knew nothing about Xie Youran, at this moment, he felt deeply grateful for him—for having such a friend. At the same time, he was also lucky enough to be with this group of people and communicate with them. We experience life and death together, and feel deeply honored and deeply proud.

In the depths of their minds, Xie Youran's transparent face appeared. Everyone took a deep breath and concentrated their holy energy and spiritual thoughts to the extreme.

At this moment, they forgot their fear, put aside all distracting thoughts, and had only one thought in their hearts: rush to the abyss as soon as possible, find Qian Qiuxue, and rescue Xie Youran!

After the hand seal was made, the flying boat across the clouds shook slightly, floated into the air, and flew towards the depths of the endless ice field. Although the flight path was still crooked and bumpy, it no longer ran around like a wandering monkey like before.

At the end of the vast ice sheet, a bottomless abyss divides the land into two, with no end or edge in sight.

In the abyss, the sharp air currents and winds made bursts of piercing screams, colliding and rubbing against each other, making thunderous muffled sounds.

Standing on the edge and looking down, except for the solid air currents and wind, everything is empty. Everything in the abyss was turned into powder under the sharp and chaotic air flow.

This is the abyss between Wuji Holy Heaven and Tianji Continent, a forbidden area that even the emperor and his envoys cannot cross!

"Hey, how long are you going to look for?" Standing at the edge of the abyss and staring at it for a long time, Luo Enen took a few steps back and asked the ghost dragon who was lying on the ground and twisting his head desperately.

After nearly a month, they finally took a flying boat across the clouds and arrived at the abyss. Although the Flying Boat flew crookedly at first, with Gu Fenghua around, it didn't lose its direction. Then, as the hand seals of several people became more and more proficient, and their cooperation became more and more tacit, the flying boat flying across the clouds became more and more stable. There was no danger or danger along the way, and they finally relaxed.

But unfortunately, after arriving at the abyss according to the map, Guijiao himself lost his way again. He first lay down on the edge of the abyss for a whole day and night, then turned around and lay there for most of the day, but he never found Qian Qiuxue. According to the specific position, he just lay on the ground and turned around, making everyone dizzy for a while.

"Don't worry, let me look carefully." The ghost dragon clung to the ground and continued to spin, so Gu Fenghua and others became even more dizzy.

"I said, are you remembering it wrong?" Luo Enen asked.

Although the ancient ruins found last time were enough to prove that the ghost dragon is not as wanderlust as imagined, but this time, it has been wandering here and there - changing directions and lying on the ground for nearly twenty hours, but it has He was still grinning with a confused look on his face, and Miss Luo couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Not only Luo Enen, Gu Fenghua and others also had the same suspicion, but they just didn't want to interrupt Guijiao, so as not to make it even more confused, so they refrained from speaking.

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