My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5264 5264What a terrible aesthetic!

"No way, I remember it very clearly. Look there, does it look like a human beauty dancing in the wind? This figure... tsk tsk, I will never forget it in my life." The ghost dragon stretched out his paw towards someone Pointing in a direction, he said with an infatuated look and an intoxicating look on his face, almost crying out loud.

Beauty? Gu Fenghua and others looked in the direction it pointed in confusion. It turned out that the ghost dragon was talking about a snow mountain.

The snow-capped mountains are as high as 10,000 feet, proudly independent in the vast snowfield. The vast white snow and silver coating give people a strange sense of holiness and solemnity. But is that a beauty? It is thin in the middle, rounded at both ends, and has a pointed top. It looks like a gourd no matter how you look at it, and it is also a stunted and crooked gourd.

"Do you think this is what our human beauties look like?" Luo Enen looked down at herself, then at the snow mountain, looking at the ghost dragon with a strange look on her face.

"Isn't it? Look at this figure. It's big where it should be and small where it should be. Even if we, the dragon clan, turn into human form, we still can't have such a good figure." Gui Jiao pointed at the crooked snow gourd. , the halazi finally flowed down.

It is said that when some mythical beasts are powerful enough to reach a certain level, they can break through the restrictions of their bloodline and transform into human form, so that they can practice human skills and reach a higher level. The dragon clan is revered as the lord of all beasts, and of course it is no exception. Because they will eventually transform into human form, the aesthetics of these mythical beasts are often consistent with humans to a certain extent.

Obviously, the ghost dragon in front of him is an ideal and ambitious ghost dragon. Even though the entire race is despised and ostracized by the dragon clan, and even mercilessly exiled, it has never given up on its lofty ideal of breaking through the restrictions of bloodline and transforming into a human form. He learned human aesthetic taste early on.

However, this taste seems a bit too unique.

"Then what do you think of Fenghua and I's figures?" Luo Enen asked tentatively.

"This, this... it should, maybe, probably be okay?" Gui Jiao hesitated for a long time, and finally said vaguely.

After it praised the Dragon Clan, no matter how much the Dragon Clan's sect despised or even hated the Ghost Dragon Clan, it never gave up the pride of the Dragon Clan, so it never lied. However, as a ghost dragon with ideals and ambitions whose ultimate goal is to transform into a human form, he has also heard that humans have a word called white lies.

"You mean you can't do it anymore?" Unfortunately, a lie that can be seen through by others is no longer a lie. Miss Luo's face darkened, and she asked with wide eyes.

Murderous, murderous!

"Actually, it's okay, but that would be better." Ghost Dragon shrank his head and pointed at the crooked snow gourd in the distance.

Although it tried very hard to deal with Luo Enen, trying to resolve the invisible murderous intent, when it stared at the gourd again, it couldn't help but become obsessed with it, and even the flowing hazelnuts froze into icicles and hung on its chin. None of them were aware of it.

What a terrible aesthetic! Ye Wuse, Fatty Bai and others looked at the snow gourds in the distance, as big or small as they could be, and then at the slim figures of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, cold sweat began to break out on their foreheads again.

How dare you say that this young lady is not as tall as a gourd! You must, you must convince Feng Hua to make this winkless guy into a weapon spirit! Miss Luo gritted her teeth and swore secretly in her heart.

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