My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5301 5301 This is the strongest Ye Wuse!

Even Ye Wuse himself was kept in the dark and practiced hard for revenge. It wasn't until Qin Yuanan was defeated in their hands after a hard battle in the Holy Emperor's Pavilion, and they were sure that he had the ability to protect himself, that they told him the truth.

There was a blood feud, and Ye Wuse wanted to avenge his parents. However, even Qin Yuanan didn't know the origin of that person. He only knew that the person was extremely powerful, and he guessed that he probably came from the Wuji Holy Heaven. The only clue is that the Glazed Magic Sound Bell, which has been treasured by the Guanghua Royal Family for thousands of years, fell into the hands of that person.

After coming to Wuji Holy Heaven, Ye Wuse asked about the whereabouts of the Liuli Magic Sound Bell again and again, but there was no news. It turned out that the Liuli Magic Sound Bell fell into the hands of this person, which means that he was the one who killed his parents. The real culprit, or in other words, the eldest grandson Luocang, is the real culprit who killed his parents!

Before, Ye Wuse had also doubted Changsun Luocang. After all, not everyone has the ability to travel from Wuji Holy Heaven to Tianji Continent, and not every envoy has such leisurely ambitions. All they know is that An eldest grandson, Luocang. But suspicion is just suspicion after all. Even because of Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse still regards the eldest grandson Luocang as his life and death enemy, but without real evidence, he cannot let go of the real culprit.

At this moment, the truth came out. The real culprit who killed his parents turned out to be the man in front of him, his eldest grandson Luocang!

"I understand, you are the bastard of the Qin family. I didn't expect you to survive until now. Qin Yuanan is a good trick. This trick was so subtle that even I hid it from you. Yes, your parents died in my hands back then. "Looking carefully at Ye Wuse's delicate and handsome face, and the hatred and anger in his eyes that seemed like huge waves, the old man suddenly said with enlightenment.

However, apart from being slightly surprised and sighing when he thought about Qin Yuanan's ability to hide the truth, when he mentioned the death of Ye Wuse's parents, he looked calm, as if those who died in his hands were just two ants and were insignificant, and he didn't bother to mention it more.

"I'll kill you!" After hearing his words and seeing his nonchalant expression, Ye Wuse's anger was completely ignited. He held the sword tightly and was about to fly up and attack the old man.

"Stop!" At this moment, a delicate little hand stretched out and held his palm.

Ye Wuse paused and stopped subconsciously.

"You can't kill him like this, you will only lose your life in vain." Gu Fenghua looked into Ye Wuse's eyes and said lightly.

Her voice was still so clear and pleasant, but when it fell to Ye Wuse's ears, it was like a wake-up call.

"I understand, I was impulsive." Ye Wuse took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes gradually disappeared, becoming extremely calm and profound.

He knew that Gu Fenghua was right. His martial arts and sword skills required calmness, especially when facing an opponent whose cultivation was already stronger than his own. If you rush forward with such hatred and anger, you will only lose your life in vain, and it is impossible to avenge the blood of your parents.

A gratified smile appeared on Gu Fenghua's lips. In fact, among the friends around him, Ye Wuse was the calmest. However, when the real culprit who killed his parents was suddenly found, no one could remain indifferent. Fortunately, Ye Wuse was still Ye Wuse after all, and finally suppressed the hatred in his heart, and soon returned to his former calm. This is the strongest Ye Wuse!

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