My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5302 5302 You are the only one left who is decent.

"Hahahaha, you say it as if you can kill me." Looking at Ye Wuse who had regained his composure, the old man holding the glass magic bell opposite him didn't take it seriously. He laughed a few times and said disdainfully.

"I wonder what I call this old gentleman?" Gu Fenghua suddenly asked.

"I'm Gong Wenshi," the old man said proudly.

"Very good, Wu Se, I'll leave him to you. It's up to you to avenge the Qin family's blood feud with your own hands." Gu Fenghua nodded and said to Ye Wu Se.

"Okay." Ye Wuse nodded slowly.

"What about me, which one should I choose?" Lorne asked eagerly.

"It's up to you to choose. Whichever one doesn't suit your taste is the one."

"What a loud tone. You dare to say such arrogant words when you are about to die!" After hearing what the two of them said, a thin old man opposite him rolled his triangular eyes and shouted angrily. Despite his small size, his voice was like a loud bell, which made everyone's eardrums tremble.

"Okay, this old man dances happily and screams loudly, so I chose him." Luo Enen waved his arm and pointed at the old man. Looking at the joy on his face, it was like buying a grasshopper and choosing a top quality one with a loud enough cry and strong vitality.

"Looking for death, how dare you be so arrogant in front of my Lightning Dharma King, Tang Yongxing!" The little old man was furious.

"So your name is Thunder and Lightning Dharma King. Just in time, I will let you taste the feeling of five thunders hitting your head in a moment!" Luo Enen looked even more delighted when she met a close friend.

No wonder Miss Luo is so happy. The Saint Master talks about practicing sword skills and holy methods, but generally speaking, sword skills are mostly used. There are very few real holy methods. Many so-called holy methods are even sword skills at all. It is a simulation and cannot be regarded as a real holy law at all.

And her Nine Heavens Fantasy Thunder Sword is half a sword skill and half a real holy method. It is also an extremely rare holy method of thunder. Listening to Tang Yongxing calling himself the King of Thunder and Lightning, he must have practiced the real holy method of thunder. It was a rare opportunity to meet her opponent, so Miss Luo was naturally overjoyed.

"You little girl who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, you're looking for death!" Tang Yongxing certainly couldn't be happy after hearing her words, and he roared and was about to take action.

Although his cultivation level is one level lower than that of Qi Qinghong, he has always had a hot temper, and because of his practice of holy methods, his reputation is somewhat louder than that of Qi Qinghong. No one has ever dared to be like this in front of him. Arrogant, not to mention a little girl of the sixth rank of Emperor Saint!

"Wait, wait, don't do anything yet!" At this moment, Fatty Bai rushed out with small steps and shouted at Tang Yongxing.

When he spoke, he still had that harmless smile on his face, and with that white, plump and extremely flattering face, he looked like a street vendor who was about to sell Shiquan Dabu Pills to people.

Although Fatty Bai's sixth-grade Emperor Saint's cultivation level is one level lower than Tang Yongyong's, such a cultivation level can definitely be called a strong one in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven. If someone else had such a level of cultivation, how could they show such a philistine smile if they were not above the most powerful person? Tang Yongxing looked at the six dazzling golden holy beads between his eyebrows, and then looked at the smile on his face. He felt weird no matter how he looked at it, and subconsciously stopped in his steps.

"I haven't chosen yet. Wait until I make my choice before you do it." Fatty Bai looked at the faces of Qi Qinghong and others with a smile, and finally pointed at another old man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint, who seemed a little bit He said helplessly, "It seems that I have almost chosen you, but you are the only one who is decent, so I'll choose you."

"Haha, hahahaha..." Upon hearing Fatty Bai's words, Qi Qinghong and others were startled at first, and then laughed angrily, all of them laughing so hard that they almost shed tears.

As far as the strength of this fat white man is concerned, he does have the capital to be arrogant, but arrogance also depends on who is in front of him. Could it be that he can't count, or is color blind and can't see the seven shining golden holy beads on their foreheads? ?

I forgot to update it yesterday. I’ll make it up today.

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