You're the only one who looks decent... Seeing Fatty Bai's helpless expression, they didn't know what to say. If possible, they really wanted to dig out these seven holy beads and bring one in front of him. Show him the number.

"Is it funny?" Gu Fenghua asked suddenly, "Do you think that with the Glazed Magic Sound Bell, you are guaranteed to win?"

"Isn't it?" Qi Qinghong snorted and said arrogantly.

In the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, the people that Master is most afraid of, apart from the three Holy Lords and seventeen other Lords and Envoys, are Gu Fenghua and others. They have suffered losses at their hands time and time again, and he has long since put away his initial contempt. , after returning from Chengyun Valley, he learned the hard way and regarded Gu Fenghua and others as their lifelong rivals.

In order to deal with them, Master has been thinking hard about countermeasures, and finally thought of the Liuli Magic Sound Bell.

In fact, when Gong Wenshi took the Glazed Magic Sound Bell from the Guanghua Royal Family, he dedicated it to Changsun Luocang once he returned to Wuji Holy Heaven. However, Changsun Luocang tried its power and found that although this artifact was known as the number one artifact in Tianji Continent, it could It affects the Holy Master's spiritual thoughts, but that is only in Tianji Continent, and it is of little use in Wuji Holy Heaven.

After all, the Holy Masters of Wuji Shengtian have conquered the Tianji Continent too much, let alone such powerful men as the Emperor Sheng, even the Heavenly Sheng, so the impact of a little soul shock on their strength is minimal, almost negligible, so Changsun Luo Cang then put the Glazed Magic Sound Bell away in a high cabinet, almost forgetting the existence of this first artifact in the Tianji Continent.

This time when he came to the Lingji Realm, he met Gu Fenghua twice on the way. His grandson Luocang felt very uneasy. He thought hard all the way and finally thought of the Glazed Magic Sound Bell. Although judging from the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, the impact of a little soul shock on their strength is negligible, but what is the most important thing about combined techniques? Even if their minds are connected, as long as their souls are slightly affected, their cooperation may fail.

It just so happened that there were several less powerful disciples under Changsun Luocang's sect who were practicing the art of combined attack. Changsun Luocang tried it on them, and the glazed magic sound bell was indeed very effective. When the bell rang, the person who was originally in the realm of mind-to-mind communication and multiplied power The combined attack technique was completely useless, unable to exert its starting power at all.

Only then did Changsun Luocang feel relieved and returned the Glazed Magic Sound Bell to Gong Wenshi.

Qi Qinghong and others were originally a little worried. Gu Fenghua and the others were far stronger than the Luocang Peak disciples. Whether the Glazed Magic Sound Bell would be effective on them, but today they took action for the first time. They successfully defused the concentrated sword attack of Gu Fenghua and others, and they were completely relieved.

Without that powerful joint sword, they really didn't believe that Gu Fenghua and others could compete with their seventh- and eighth-grade Emperor Saints with the strength of Gu Fenghua and others. As for Fang Tianyou and Liu They didn't even bother to look at the four golden holy beads between San Jue's brows.

With contemptuous smiles on their faces, Qi Qinghong and others looked at Gu Fenghua and others opposite them as if they were looking at dead people.

Not only them, but also Changsun Luocang's face showed a proud smile that was worthy of a king and envoy. In fact, he was not completely sure about the Liuli Magic Sound Bell before, but seeing that Gu Fenghua and others' joint sword attack repeatedly failed, he felt relieved, and even felt a little lucky: If Gu Fenghua and others had not found this broken space , he would have to work hard to find a few people to avenge his shame in the future, but it was much easier for a few people to come to his door today.

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