My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5304 5304 You underestimate us

It's a pity that I still have important things to do, so I can't do it myself. Changsun Luocang was doing his fingerprints calmly while looking at Gu Fenghua's young and beautiful face, feeling secretly regretful in his heart.

Previously, he was afraid of causing trouble, so he tried his best to seal the holy pattern. He was already exhausted. Now that Gu Fenghua and others really came to find him, and the Liuli Magic Sound Bell did not disappoint him, he felt relieved and made the hand seal. The speed is also much slower.

"You underestimate us." Gu Fenghua shook his head and slowly raised his sword.

Although the opponent's strength is generally one level higher than theirs, and this level difference is an insurmountable chasm in the eyes of anyone in Wuji Holy Heaven, just like the abyss they are in at this time, but her Her expression was still so confident and calm, and her eyes were still so calm.

wrong! Qi Qinghong suddenly had a somewhat ominous premonition in her heart. He could see that Gu Fenghua was by no means arrogant or arrogant. It was an absolute confidence in his own strength and an absolute trust in his companions. Beside her, although Luo Enen and others did not speak, the confidence on their faces was exactly the same as hers.

Their strength is obviously one level lower, where do they get such confidence? Qi Qinghong didn't think much about it. As a strong man of the eighth level of Emperor Saint, he was equally confident in his own intuition. However, at this moment, this kind of confidence was obviously not a good thing.

"Tianxing, Luocang!" Qi Qinghong took the lead in attacking Gu Fenghua.

"Tianxing, Luocang!" Gong Wenshi attacked Ye Wuse.

For Ye Wuse, the hatred of killing his father and his mother was irreconcilable, and for him, it was a shame to let Ye Wuse go by mistake because of Qin Yuanan's trick. Even if Ye Wuse didn't seek revenge from him, he would kill Ye Wuse to wash away the shame of the year.

"Tianxing, Luocang!" Tang Yongxing rushed towards Luo Enen with an angry look on his face.

If it hadn't been for Fatty Bai's interruption, he would have taken action angrily just now and blasted the little girl in front of him into pieces. How could he be merciful now? Of course, it was just his own idea to blast Luo Enen to pieces. The reality was unknown at this time. Perhaps, the result was not as good as he imagined.

"I Cheng Moran, when you get to Jiuquan, you'd better remember my name." A strong figure strode towards the fat man. It was the old man he had chosen before.

Among the few people, only the tall and thin old man of the sixth level of Emperor Saint did not take action. There was nothing he could do. His opponents were too weak. They were just two fourth-grade Emperor Saints. Even if he killed them, he would not be able to win. If he took them too seriously, he would make people laugh. If he was not careful, he might even cause dissatisfaction among several senior brothers. He misunderstood that he wanted to steal their limelight in front of the master, so it was better to wait until several senior brothers killed Gu Fenghua and others before he took action slowly.

What the few people were using at this time were Changsun Luocang's unique skills. However, when their cultivation reached their level, even if the same sword skills fell into their hands, they would have different perceptions.

Qi Qinghong's sword was calm and majestic, majestic, yet ever-changing and exquisite. There was a faint sense of the Great Dao, which brought out his eighth-grade Emperor's Saint cultivation to the fullest. .

Although Gong Wenshi's strength was one level lower, that sword was as fast as a meteor and as fast as lightning, and the extremely sharp sword power seemed to pierce the heaven and earth and pierce the void. What's even more frightening is that this sword is not only extremely powerful, but also weird and unpredictable. Even if you concentrate your mind with all your strength, you can't catch its trajectory.

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