My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5305 5305 Still so confident and calm

Tang Yongxing's sword was exactly what Luo Enen had guessed. Although the name of the sword move was the same as that used by Qi Qinghong and others, when the sword light fell, it turned into streaks of thunder, like electric snakes dancing wildly, and thunder fell one after another. , the entire broken space was filled with thunderous roars.

In comparison, Cheng Moran's sword was much simpler. The sword light slashed straight, and that extremely powerful force, like an invisible mountain, rushed towards Fatty Bai, as if it could shatter everything in the world.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

Gu Fenghua and the others said it was easy, but when facing an opponent whose strength was one level above their own, they were not so relaxed in their hearts. At the same time as the opponent took action, they also clenched the ancient divine swords in their hands and rushed towards the opponents in front of them. Between their eyebrows, the golden holy beads also shone with dazzling brilliance.

Gu Fenghua's expression was still so confident and calm, but Qi Qinghong's expression changed drastically, and his back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

Between Gu Fenghua's eyebrows, there were still only seven holy beads shining, but the holy energy transmitted from the long sword wrapped in silk cloth, and the condensed sword light was definitely not that simple. That oppressive pressure that makes it difficult to breathe is simply beyond the reach of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint.

The power of this sword has clearly reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint - no, no, not the eighth level of Emperor Saint, but the ninth level of Emperor Saint!

Impossible, impossible! With her seventh-grade Emperor Saint cultivation, even if she maximizes her potential, or even self-destructs the Holy Pearl, she will only be able to display the sword power of an eighth-grade Emperor Saint. How could she be a ninth-grade Emperor Saint?

Qi Qinghong roared in his heart that it was impossible, but the pressure brought by the sword light was so clear, so heavy and oppressive.

His face no longer had the previous contempt, let alone that proud smile. With no time to think, Qi Qinghong retreated quickly, but no matter how fast he was, how could he be faster than Gu Fenghua's sword that he was determined to win? In just the blink of an eye, the sword light was in front of him. In desperation, Qi Qinghong could only grit his teeth and continue to use all his strength to slash out with his sword in a desperate attempt to risk his life.

"Buzz..." The ancient sword roared like a dragon's roar. At the critical moment, Qi Qinghong brought the sword's secret meaning to its fullest.

The sword light flew across the sky, like stars falling from the sky, so majestic and exquisite. It's a pity that when it comes to grandeur and exquisiteness, who can compare with Gu Fenghua's Eight Tianyuan Swords? This is a peerless wonder from the supreme heaven.

The two sword lights met head-on, and they slashed together. There was only a loud bang, and the sword light, which was like stars falling from the sky, was split from the middle, and disappeared like thousands of mornings.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp "click" sound, and the ancient long sword in Qi Qinghong's hand broke from it and fell to the ground.

Before the remaining power of the sword light was exhausted, it fell on Qi Qinghong's chest. An invisible air blade passed through his body, but he himself stood there as if he was petrified.

Beyond the broken space was the boundless abyss. The turbulent winds stirred up each other, still emitting the sharp whistling, but there was suddenly a deathly silence in his ears, and his mind was as ethereal as ever, as if he had returned to the state of a baby. hour.

"Emperor Saint, ninth grade!" Qi Qinghong said suddenly.

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