"Feng Hua, the blood feud must be avenged. However, Changsun Luocang had already taken precautions and left Qingshan without fear of running out of firewood. Otherwise, let him go for now." Liu Sanjue said to Gu Fenghua worriedly.

"You talk too much." Gu Fenghua said. However, these words were not spoken to Liu Sanjue, but to Changsun Luocang.

"What?" Liu Sanjue looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise, not knowing what she meant.

Changsun Luocang frowned slightly and was a little confused.

"If you were allowed to get this holy mark and Qian Qiuxue, would you give us a chance to survive? If I say this, you wouldn't even believe it, right?" Gu Fenghua said contemptuously.

Everyone in the Wuji Holy Heaven knows that the eldest grandson Luocang will definitely retaliate. She still didn't know what the magical power of Qian Qiuxue was, but she was very clear about the power of the holy pattern. She would never believe that Changsun Luocang would be so magnanimous after getting the holy pattern and Qian Qiuxue. Give them a chance to live.

Changsun Luocang said this simply because he hoped to scare them away. Why he wanted to scare them away was naturally because he was not completely sure that he could stop them with this formation.

"You also know the sacred pattern!" Changsun Luocang was shocked when he heard this.

The holy pattern was left by the powerful ones in the Supreme Heaven. In the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, only a few people knew about it. Even some emperors and envoys did not know the secret. Where did Gu Fenghua and others hear about it.

Gu Fenghua just smiled proudly. Of course she would not tell her eldest grandson Luocang that she had a holy mark on her body. It's a pity that the holy pattern has too high requirements for the spiritual energy of the world and the recovery is too slow. Otherwise, with the joint sword of her, Luo Enen and others, and the power of the holy pattern, it would not be difficult to break through the Cangling formation.

Although Gu Fenghua did not speak, Changsun Luocang's heart sank slightly.

Gu Fenghua's guess was correct. He was indeed not completely sure that he could rely on this Cangling formation to block Gu Fenghua and others. It's not because the formation is not powerful enough, but because although the formation is jointly operated by the nearly a hundred Luocang Peak disciples below, it is based on him as the core of the formation. He wants to collect this holy mark and the hidden treasure as soon as possible. Afterwards, Qian Qiuxue found it difficult for him to concentrate on controlling the formation.

And if you are distracted by controlling the formation, the speed of collecting the holy patterns and Qian Laixue will naturally be much slower. What if someone else interferes? It would be fine if they were just ordinary strong people, but what if they were Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang and others?

In the final analysis, he set up this Cangling formation just in case. He never thought that this formation could really block a strong man like Shangguan Haochen. Even if he could block it, it would only take a moment at most.

Therefore, his previous words were indeed just a bluff to scare Gu Fenghua and others away. It's a pity that Gu Fenghua not only heard the flaw in her words, but also saw the origin of the sacred mark, so how could he believe his nonsense.

"Stop them!" Knowing that Gu Fenghua and others would never give up, Changsun Luocang stopped talking nonsense and shouted downwards, then quickly continued to make fingerprints.

In the formation, each disciple clenched his teeth and his face was pale. It can be seen that this formation consumes a lot of holy energy and spiritual thoughts, and they have tried their best.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen did not hesitate and struck out again with their swords.

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