My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5314 5314 also has some ability to keep the bottom of the box

If it were an ordinary formation, Gu Fenghua could use other methods to break it, but the Cangling Formation was run jointly by Changsun Luocang and nearly a hundred disciples from Luocang Peak, so he could only break it forcefully in this way.

The sword lights streaked across the night sky, condensed into one, and cut into the formation. In just a moment, Gu Fenghua and others slashed more than ten people in succession. However, there was no earth-shattering shock or landslide. Every time the concentrated sword light slashed into it, it was like a huge boulder falling into the mire. The power quietly dissipated.

Most of the holy energy that Luo Enen and others finally recovered had been consumed in the fight with Qi Qinghong and others. This time it was even worse. Thanks to Fang Tianyou's presence, the consumption of their joint sword was They were much smaller, and they were able to persist until now, but even so, a few of them were swaying at their feet, and even their eyes were a little distracted.

Fortunately, their efforts were not in vain. As the sword was slashed out and the power of the formation shook, the faces of nearly a hundred Luocang Peak disciples turned pale, and bright red blood gushed out from the corners of some people's mouths. In mid-air, Changsun Luocang quickly made hand seals, his face became increasingly haggard, and when he looked carefully, his fingers were trembling slightly.

Obviously, Gu Fenghua made no mistake, and Changsun Luocang was not sure that he could stop them with this formation. Luo Enen and others were all in high spirits. They worked hard to run their skills to gather the holy energy and spiritual thoughts, and continued to cut into the formation with sword after sword.

Although the sword light was still lost in the sea, the power of the sword would not disappear out of thin air. The power of the formation, which was as solid as a substance, was undulating like waves. More than a dozen Luocang Peak disciples could no longer hold on and spat out a "poof" blood.

Seeing this scene, Changsun Luocang began to panic. As expected, he did not underestimate Gu Fenghua and the others. Unless he put all his strength into the formation, his disciples alone would not be able to stop them.

"Gu Fenghua, do you really think I can't deal with you?" Changsun Luocang finally stopped his hand seals and roared at Gu Fenghua. Then he pulled out the long sword from his waist and struck with a condescending sword. Nine golden holy beads flashed at the same time, emitting a dazzling golden glow.

"Be careful!" Gu Fenghua shouted.

She guessed that Changsun Luocang, as one of the Eighteen Envoys, and one of the oldest and most senior among the Eighteen Envoys, must have some abilities to keep things under control, and it is very likely that he could recover his cultivation. The facts are as expected. Looking at the nine golden holy beads between Changsun Luocang's eyebrows, even if they are not fully recovered, they are not comparable to the sixth and seventh grades of their Emperor Saint.

If their strength is not damaged, they may not be afraid of him, but at this time, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse have all lost their holy energy. They are just relying on their will to support themselves. I am afraid it will be difficult to stop Changsun Luo. Cang's sword.

In desperation, Gu Fenghua could only take the lead in retreating. Luo Enen and others knew that they were invincible, so they retreated.

However, Changsun Luocang was about to seal the sacred pattern and collect Qian Qiuxue, but they were forced to stop temporarily. He secretly gritted his teeth with hatred, how could he let them escape easily. Just as the sword was slashed out, five command flags were thrown out at the same time.

In an instant, colorful rays of light fell on the earth, and the entire broken space was illuminated, as beautiful as a scene in a dream.

However, Gu Fenghua and others were not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Just as the colorful rays of light shrouded them, several invisible forces poured down towards them like a river hanging from the sky.

The Seven-Star Luocang Flag, this is Changsun Luocang’s natal artifact!

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